Cov Chinchillas puas tuaj yeem noj cov txiv ntoo? Yam Koj Yuav Tsum Paub

Cov txheej txheem:

Cov Chinchillas puas tuaj yeem noj cov txiv ntoo? Yam Koj Yuav Tsum Paub
Cov Chinchillas puas tuaj yeem noj cov txiv ntoo? Yam Koj Yuav Tsum Paub

Txawm hais tias koj tab tom npaj kom tau chinchilla ua tus tsiaj lossis muaj ib tus lawm, koj xav kom koj muaj kev paub los saib xyuas lawv kom raug. Thaum pub mis rau ib tus tsiaj, kev noj zaub mov kom zoo yog qhov tseem ceeb rau lawv txoj kev noj qab haus huv thiab kev noj qab haus huv. Cov tsiaj txawv txawv, xws li chinchillas, tuaj yeem ua haujlwm ntau dua los saib xyuas piv rau tus qauv miv lossis dev.

Chinchillas muaj lub plab zom mov tsis zoo; lawv tuaj yeem mob hnyav yog tias lawv muab zaub mov tsis haum rau lawv. Chinchillas yuav tsum tsis txhob noj txiv laum huab xeeb, vim nws tsis sib haum nrog lawv cov kab ke thiab tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev pheej hmoo mob hnyav.

Txiv lws suav muaj suab thaj thiab dej ntau. Kev noj cov zaub mov uas muaj dej ntau thiab/los yog qab zib tuaj yeem ua rau lawv lub plab zom mov yooj yim thiab ua rau plab thiab raws plab, uas tuaj yeem ua rau tuag taus rau cov tsiaj no. Txiv lws suav yog ib qho ntawm ntau yam khoom noj uas yuav tsum tsis txhob muab rau tus tsiaj chinchilla.

Puas Chinchillas noj txiv hmab txiv ntoo?

Chinchillas yog ib txwm omnivorous thiab nyob rau hauv cov qus, lawv feem ntau pub rau nyom, noob, txiv ntseej, ib co txiv hmab txiv ntoo, thiab paj, thiab txawm kab thiab noog qe nyob rau hauv lub sij hawm. Txawm nyob rau hauv cov tsiaj qus, cov khoom noj uas muaj suab thaj ntau, xws li txiv hmab txiv ntoo tuaj yeem ua rau plab zom mov.

Qee cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo tuaj yeem pub rau chinchillas, tab sis qhov no yuav tsum tsis tshua muaj thiab tsuas yog me me xwb. Nws yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws los pub cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo qhuav xws li txiv pos nphuab, raisins, thiab sultanas thiab tsis txhob muaj suab thaj thiab dej ntau dhau.

Nws tsis yog cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo uas tuaj yeem ua rau raws plab, plab, thiab plab zom mov rau cov me me fluffballs, yog li nws yog qhov zoo tshaj los tham nrog koj tus kws kho tsiaj txog tej txiv hmab txiv ntoo ua ntej muab rau koj chinchilla. Cov kev pheej hmoo ntawm kev noj qab haus huv muaj feem cuam tshuam loj heev thiab muaj feem ua rau tuag taus.


Txoj Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Chinchilla

Ib txwm nyob rau thaj chaw qhuav, pob zeb pob zeb ntawm toj roob hauv pes Andes ntawm qhov siab ntawm 9,000-15,000 ko taw, Chinchilla tau siv los pom thoob plaws thaj tsam ntug dej hiav txwv thiab roob ntawm Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, thiab Peru Tab sis tam sim no tsuas yog pom nyob rau hauv Chile vim cov pej xeem kev puas tsuaj vim yog kev lag luam plaub.

Lawv nyob hauv burrows lossis hauv pob zeb crevices thiab lawv cov zaub mov tsis tshua muaj. Nyob rau hauv cov qus, lawv tsuas yog pub rau nyom, nplooj, twigs, keeb kwm, ceev, noob, thiab stems. Tej zaum lawv yuav haus paj, txiv hmab txiv ntoo, kab, thiab noog qe kom ciaj sia.

Raws li cov tsiaj, chinchillas xav tau cov khoom noj muaj fiber ntau uas muaj cov nyom thiab cov quav nyab rau kev zom zaub mov kom zoo. Nws raug pom zoo tias cov nyom thiab quav nyab ua 80 mus rau 90 feem pua ntawm lawv cov khoom noj. Thaum 10 feem pua ntawm lawv cov zaub mov yuav tsum yog nplooj ntsuab thiab tshuaj ntsuab.

Hay yuav tsum muaj rau lawv ib txwm muaj los pab kev zom zaub mov thiab pab tswj cov duab thiab ntev ntawm lawv cov hniav tsis tu ncua. Muaj cov khoom noj pellet ua lag luam muaj rau chinchillas, txhua cov pellets noj tsis tu ncua yuav tsum yog cov quav nyab, tiaj, thiab tsis muaj cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo qhuav, txiv ntseej, los yog noob, los yog cov fillers xws li pob kws los yog soy.

Chinchillas tuaj yeem muab kwv yees li ib teaspoon ntawm cov zaub ntsuab tshiab ib hnub. Txawm hais tias lawv tuaj yeem haus tau qee cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo, nws raug pom zoo tias lawv qhuav thiab yuav tsum tau txwv nruj heev thiab tsuas yog muab tsawg kawg nkaus xwb.

5 yam nyom thiab quav nyab


1. Alfalfa Hay

Alfalfa quav nyab yog qab zib thiab nplua nuj nyob rau hauv cov as-ham. Nws yog ib qho kev xaiv zoo los muab cov tub ntxhais hluas Chinchillas uas tseem nyob rau hauv txoj kev loj hlob los yog rau yav tas los malnourished chinchillas. Qhov no yuav tsum tsis yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau cov neeg laus laus vim nws muaj calcium thiab protein ntau dhau.

2. Bluegrass Hay

Bluegrass quav nyab yog nplooj quav nyab uas tuaj yeem yog ib feem ntawm chinchilla cov zaub mov tsis tu ncua.

3. Oat Hay

Oat quav nyab yuav tsum tau noj ntau sparingly vim nws tuaj nrog oat hau nrog. Nws yog daj ntseg daj nyob rau hauv cov xim thiab txij li thaum nws puv nrog qia, nws muaj ib tug ntau zog kev ntxhib los mos thiab yog nyuaj rau zom.

4. Orchard Grass

Orchardgrass yog ib lub caij nyoog, txias-season bunchgrass uas yog nplooj thiab muaj fiber ntau. Nws yog ntsuab ntsuab thiab qee zaum los ua ke ntawm Timothy quav nyab, Garrison quav nyab, thiab Alfalfa hay.

5. Timothy Hay

Timothy quav nyab yog muab los ntawm cov nyom nyom uas muaj zaub mov zoo thiab qab. Timothy qis hauv cov protein thiab calcium ntau dua li lwm cov kev xaiv. Koj tuaj yeem hla Botanical quav nyab, uas feem ntau Timothy quav nyab nrog lwm cov tshuaj ntsuab sib xyaw.

Treats & Supplements

Vim lub chinchilla lub plab zom mov tsis yog tsim los tswj cov khoom noj uas muaj rog, qab zib, lossis dej. Kev lag luam chinchilla kho thiab yogurt tee uas muaj suab thaj siab tsis pom zoo.

Ib zaug ntxiv, qee cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab txiv ntoo zoo li kev kho mob qee zaus, tab sis tsuas yog me me thiab tsis tshua muaj. Koj tsis tas yuav muaj ntsev thaiv lossis cov ntxhia ntxiv rau tus tsiaj chinchilla.

Dried Fruits to offer Sparingly

  • Apples
  • Raisins
  • Strawberries
  • Sultanas

Chinchillas tuaj yeem noj lawv cov quav, zoo li guinea npua thiab luav. Qhov no hu ua cecotrophy thiab nws tso cai rau lawv nqus cov khoom noj ntau tshaj plaws los ntawm cov zaub mov uas lawv tau noj yav dhau los.

Chinchillas tuaj yeem ua rau rog rog yog tias lawv noj ntau dhau, qhov no tuaj yeem ua rau lawv lub siab thiab ua rau ntau yam teeb meem kev noj qab haus huv.

Koj yuav tsum nco ntsoov xyuas kom meej tias cov dej huv huv muaj rau koj cov chinchilla. Lawv muaj lub raj mis dej uas tsim tshwj xeeb rau chinchillas. Nws yuav tsum tau muab tso rau hauv ib qho chaw uas yooj yim mus cuag nyob rau hauv lub tawb. Nco ntsoov ntxuav lub raj mis thiab muab dej tshiab txhua hnub.

Kev hloov pauv sai sai hauv chinchilla cov zaub mov tuaj yeem ua rau mob hnyav. Kev tsis muab chinchillas nrog kev noj zaub mov kom zoo thiab kev noj zaub mov tsis zoo tuaj yeem ua rau mob hnyav heev, tab sis tuaj yeem ua rau tuag taus. Ib txwm tham txog kev noj zaub mov zoo nrog tus kws kho tsiaj tsiaj txhu uas muaj kev paub txog chinchillas.

Foos to Zam

Ntau yam khoom noj muaj tshuaj lom rau chinchillas. Thov nco ntsoov tias qhov no tsis yog tag nrho cov khoom noj uas tuaj yeem ua rau muaj teeb meem kev noj qab haus huv rau chinchillas. Yog tias koj yuav tsum nug seb cov zaub mov puas muaj kev nyab xeeb rau kev pub mis, koj yuav tsum tsis txhob muab nws mus txog thaum tham nrog tus kws kho tsiaj ntxiv.

  • Asparagus
  • Avocado
  • Banana
  • Pab
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cereals
  • Citrus fruits (txhua yam)
  • pob kws
  • Lettuce
  • Melon
  • Rhubarb (thiab nplooj)
  • Peaches
  • Panuts
  • Pears
  • Spinach
  • Sunflower noob
  • Poj niam


Nws tsis pub leejtwg paub tias chinchilla muaj kev noj zaub mov ntau dua li lwm cov tsiaj hauv tsev. Vim lawv qhov rhiab heev, lawv yuav tsum tsis txhob noj cov khoom noj uas muaj suab thaj thiab dej siab xws li txiv tsawb. Chinchillas tuaj yeem noj qee cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo tab sis tsis tshua muaj sijhawm thiab tsawg heev.

Kev tshuaj xyuas nrog koj tus kws kho tsiaj txawv ua ntej muab zaub mov tshiab yog qhov yuav tsum tau ua. Noj chinchilla, noj zaub mov tsis zoo tuaj yeem ua rau mob plab hnyuv loj thiab tuaj yeem ua rau tuag taus. Xyuas kom lawv tau noj cov zaub mov kom raug yog qhov tseem ceeb rau lawv txoj kev noj qab haus huv tag nrho thiab yuav pab lawv ua neej nyob ntev, noj qab nyob zoo.

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