10 Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Thanksgiving Aub Sweaters nyob rau hauv 2023 - Xyuas & Top Picks

Cov txheej txheem:

10 Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Thanksgiving Aub Sweaters nyob rau hauv 2023 - Xyuas & Top Picks
10 Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Thanksgiving Aub Sweaters nyob rau hauv 2023 - Xyuas & Top Picks

Lub Caij Nplooj Ntoos Zeeg yog nyob rau hauv, txhais tau tias hnub Thanksgiving nyob ib ncig ntawm lub ces kaum. Nws yog lub sijhawm ua tsaug thiab xav txog txhua yam uas koj ua tsaug rau, tab sis nws tseem yog lub sijhawm los teem lub rooj, noj zaub mov zoo nrog tsev neeg thiab phooj ywg, thiab nthuav tawm lub tsho ua tsaug rau Thanksgiving!

Nyob ib ncig ntawm 82% ntawm cov neeg Amelikas ua kev zoo siab Thanksgiving nrog lawv tsev neeg, thiab yog tias koj yog tus tswv tsev dev, lawv yog ib feem ntawm kev ua koob tsheej thiab. Yog li, txhawm rau pab lawv xav tias suav nrog, koj tuaj yeem kho lawv nrog qee cov qaib qaib ntxhw thiab taub dag thiab hnav lawv rau lub sijhawm nyob rau hauv lawv tus kheej lub tsho tiv no.

Peb muaj kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws Thanksgiving aub sweaters uas stylish thiab haumxeeb thiab yuav yeej muaj koj canine nyiag lub siab deb ntawm lub festive kis ntawm lub rooj.

The 10 Best Thanksgiving Dog Sweaters

1. Bwogue Qaib ntxhw Dog Costume - Zoo Tshaj Tag Nrho

:" Fabric:" }''>Fabric: , fleece" }'>paj rwb, fleece M, L, XL" }'>XS,S,M,L,XL }''>Special Feature:
Yooj yim ntxuav, lub teeb yuag

Qhov no Bwogue qaib ntxhw khaub ncaws hnav khaub ncaws yog peb qhov zoo tshaj plaws tag nrho Thanksgiving aub sweater vim nws ntxim nyiam, lub ntsiab lus tsim nyog, thiab yuav ua rau koj tus menyuam sov thiab snug. Koj tus dev yuav yog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm yav tsaus ntuj, parading ncig ntawm no ntxim nyiam qaib ntxhw costume. Tsis tsuas yog nws yog ib qho kev sib tham zoo pib, tab sis nws tseem ua haujlwm zoo. Nws yog ua los ntawm cov paj rwb zoo uas ua pa thiab mos ntawm koj tus dev daim tawv nqaij, nrog rau cov ntaub mos muag uas yuav ua rau koj tus dev sov. Nws yog ib qho yooj yim mus rau thiab tshem tawm, thiab thaum lub koob tsheej dhau los, koj tuaj yeem muab pov rau hauv lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws kom yooj yim tu.

Nws yuav nyuaj rau ntsuas qhov loj me rau cov dev, thiab qee cov neeg siv tau pom tias lawv me dua li qhov lawv zoo li, yog li nws pom zoo kom yuav lub tsho loj los yog ob sab.


  • Breathable paj rwb
  • Sov
  • Yooj yim rau tso thiab tawm
  • Ntxim hlub qaib ntxhw lub ntsiab


Me me dua qhov nws zoo li

2. Pedgot Thanksgiving Aub Sweaters- Tus Nqi Zoo Tshaj

Fabric: Acrylon
Sizes: Small
Special Feature: Pack of two

Peb lub tsho zoo nkauj Thanksgiving dev rau cov nyiaj yog pob ntawm ob lub tsho Pedgot-themed sweaters. Koj tau txais ob lub sweaters ntxim hlub ntawm tus nqi zoo, uas yog qhov zoo tshaj yog tias koj muaj ob tus dev los tawm los yog muaj ob qhov sib txawv ua tsaug. Lawv tuaj nyob rau hauv txiv kab ntxwv thiab xim av nrog qab zib, embroidered artwork thiab ua tsaug.

Lawv yog ua los ntawm elastic acrylon, uas ua rau lawv yooj yim rau plam thiab tawm, thiab stretch ua rau ib tug ntau xis haum kom koj tus dev tsis hnov tsw. Cov sweaters yuav ua rau koj tus menyuam me stylishly sov thiab Thanksgiving-npaj.

Cov sweaters tsuas yog muaj rau cov dev me xwb, thiab nws tseem ceeb heev kom ntsuas koj tus tsiaj ua ntej yuav khoom.


  • Nyiaj txiag
  • Ob tug ntxim hlub designs
  • Nyob zoo thiab sov
  • Yooj yim rau plam thiab tawm


Tsuas yog qhov me me xwb

3. Zoo siab Thanksgiving Hooded Sweater- Premium Choice

Fabric: Polyester
Sizes: S,M,L,XL,XXL
Special Feature: Suav nrog hood thiab hnab tshos

Lub tsho dev no muaj cov qauv ua tsaug rau classic uas ntxiv rau qhov zoo nkauj. Nws tsis muaj cov qaib ntxhw ntxim hlub lossis cheesy quotes, tab sis nws yooj yim thiab saj. Cov qauv tsim yog stylish, nrog ib lub hood ntxiv rau kev sov so thiab hnab ris kom khaws qee yam khoom noj rau tom qab. Nws yog tsim los ntawm cov yas tsis-pilling uas yog breathable, mos, thiab yuav ua rau koj tus menyuam mos sov. Nws yog tsim rau siv sab hauv tsev thiab sab nraum zoov thiab yooj yim los so, ntxuav tes, lossis pov rau hauv lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws.

Polyester yog qhov ua kom zoo li qub thiab tuav cov ntxhiab tsw, thiab qhov ntawd yog ib yam uas yuav tsum tau nco ntsoov thaum xaiv lub tsho ua tsaug.


  • Classic thanksgiving ntsiab
  • Breathable
  • Sov


Tau muaj ntxhiab tsw

4. Nacoco Pumpkin Dog Sweater - Zoo tshaj rau Puppies

Fabric: Acrylic
Sizes: 2XS,XS,S
Special Feature: Txhob kom koj tus menyuam hnav thaum nws loj hlob

Koj tus me nyuam yuav saib ntxim hlub hauv lub taub taub no sau Nacoco aub sweater. Nws muaj nyob rau hauv ob peb qhov me me kom haum rau koj tus menyuam dev, txawm tias nws me me npaum li cas. Nws yog tsim los ntawm stretchy acrylic uas yog breathable thiab ua rau koj me me aub sov. Nws cov ntaub ntawv tseem tso cai rau koj rub lub tsho tshaj tawm ntawm koj tus menyuam lub ntsej muag muag thiab paws yooj yim thiab xis.

Txawm hais tias lub taub dag tsim yog Halloween tau tshoov siab, nws yog lub taub dag ntxim hlub dhau rau noj hmo Thanksgiving, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum hnav los ntawm koj tus menyuam ntxim hlub. Ntsuas koj tus me me ua ntej kev yuav khoom vim qee cov neeg siv khoom tau tshaj tawm qhov ntau thiab tsawg kom tawm me ntsis.


  • Strechy
  • Breathable
  • Cute design


Qhov ntau thiab tsawg yuav tawm me ntsis

5. Dog Sweater nrog Pom-Pom Pob rau lub caij nplooj zeeg caij ntuj no

Fabric: Acrylic
Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL
Special Feature: Pom-pom thiab frill

Koj tus canine yuav saib ntxim hlub thiab ntxim nyiam nyob rau hauv lub tsho tiv no aub tshaj Thanksgiving. Nws lub caij nplooj zeeg-inspired txiv kab ntxwv xim nrog dub polka dots ua rau nws tsim nyog rau lub ntsiab lus Thanksgiving. Lub frill ntawm lub hem thiab qhov sib ntxiv ntawm ob fluffy pom-poms muab nws zoo nkaus li ntawm lub tsho hnav khaub ncaws rau koj tus ntxhais huab tais. Cov khoom siv yog stretchy, breathable, thiab sov, thiab turtleneck tsim kuj muaj kev sov so ntxiv. Lub tsho sab nraub qaum mus txog lub hauv paus ntawm tus Tsov tus tw, tab sis lub hauv qab tso cai qhov chaw kom koj tus ntxhais tuaj yeem tso quav tsis tau nws lub tsho khuam qias neeg.

Qee tus tswv dev tau tshaj tawm tias lub tsho hws tau pib tshem tawm sai tom qab yuav nws.


  • Strechy
  • Breathable
  • Nkauj tawm tshiab


Tend to unravel sai

6. Zifeipet Pumpkin Plaid Turtleneck nrog Leash Qhov

Fabric: Acrylic
Sizes: XS, XS, S, M, XL, XXL
Special Feature: Liab qhov rau sab nraub qaum

Qhov no stylish plaid tsim nrog sov lub caij nplooj zeeg xim yuav ua rau ib tug zoo aub sweater rau Thanksgiving noj hmo. Nws yog ib qho yooj yim thiab stretchable sweater thiab tuaj nyob rau hauv ntau qhov ntau thiab tsawg kom haum txhua hom tsiaj. Nws tsim muaj xws li turtleneck rau kev sov so thiab ob txhais ceg ntxiv rau hauv qab kom tsis txhob caij tsheb. Cov khoom siv stretchy tso cai rau koj rub nws dua thiab tshem tawm tau yooj yim, thiab tus qauv tsim suav nrog lub qhov hlua khi kom koj tuaj yeem nqa koj tus menyuam mus rau yav tsaus ntuj taug kev los ntawm nws cov pluas noj. Lub taub dag embroidered rau sab nraum qab muab rau nws ib qho ntxiv thanksgiving kov.

Acrylic nyiam tuav dej ntau dua li cov ntaub plaub ntuj, thiab Zifeipet tsis haum rau huab cua sab nraum zoov, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tias nws los nag.


  • Strechy
  • Ntau qhov ntau thiab tsawg
  • Txoj hlua ntxiv


Tsis zoo rau lub caij ntuj nag

7. Niula Thanksgiving Aub Sweater

Fabric: paj rwb
Sizes: XS,S,M,L
Special Feature: Breathable paj rwb thiab qaib ntxhw tsim

No Niula aub sweater yog sov thiab nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab lus Thanksgiving nrog nws super ntxim hlub qaib ntxhw illustration embroidered rau sab nraum qab. Lub sweater yog ua los ntawm cov paj rwb breathable uas yog stretchy, ua rau nws yooj yim thiab xis rau rub tawm thiab tawm. Koj tus dev tuaj yeem nyob hauv tsev thiab sab nraum zoov hauv lub tsho adorable no, thiab nrog nws cov ntsiab lus ua tsaug, koj tus dev yuav haum rau hauv.

Lub tsho dev ntxim hlub no yog, hmoov tsis, tsuas yog tsim rau cov dev me xwb.


  • Breathable
  • Easy rub tawm thiab tawm
  • Thanksgiving theme


Tsis haum rau cov dev loj

8. Kyeese Dog Sweater Dress rau Thanksgiving

Fabric: Acrylic
Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL
Special Feature: Leash harness tag nrho thiab ruffled hemline

Lub tsho Kyeese dev no tsis tsuas yog sov, xis, thiab stylish, tab sis nws muaj ruffled hemline rau ib qho ntxiv feminine kov. Cov khaub ncaws hnav khaub ncaws yog tsim los ntawm acrylic stretchy, ua rau nws xis thiab hnav khaub ncaws yooj yim rau koj tus khub. Nws nta lub qhov rau txoj hlua khi, thiab koj tus dev tuaj yeem ntaus nws lub tsho tiv no thaum tawm mus taug kev.

Kyeese Dog Sweater tej zaum yuav tsis muaj zog txaus rau tus dev nquag vim nws tuaj yeem yooj yim tshem tawm.


  • Strechy
  • Breathable
  • Leash qhov


Unravels easy

9. Jecikelon Lub caij ntuj no Dog Hoodie nrog Hnab

Fabric: Wool thiab fleece
Sizes: XXS, XS, S, M, L
Special Feature: Hooded, fleece hauv ob sab phlu

Yog tias koj tab tom mus saib Thanksgiving zoo dua, lub tsho txiv kab ntxwv hooded aub los ntawm Jecikelon yuav saib ntxim hlub heev. Nws yog tsim los ntawm cov ntaub plaub uas yog stretchy thiab lined nrog fleece, thiab koj tus dev yuav xis nyob thaum nyob sov thiab snug. Nws yog tsim nrog lub hood thiab hnab ris, thiab thaum nws muaj ntau yam xim, peb xav tias cov txiv kab ntxwv yog haum rau Thanksgiving. Txawm li cas los xij, cov khoom siv tsis yog dej-resistant, uas ua rau nws tsis haum rau sab nraum zoov.


  • Nkauj tawm tshiab kom sov ntxiv
  • Nyob zoo
  • Includes hnab ris thiab hoodie


Tsis yog dej resistant

10. Pedgot Aub Turtleneck Plaid Patchwork

Fabric: Acrylic
Sizes: S,M,L
Special Feature: Hooded, fleece hauv ob sab phlu

Cov pob no ntawm ob lub tsho Pedgot aub sweaters yog ib qho classic cable knitwear tsim nrog ib tug txuas dab tshos thiab "lub tsho" ntxiv ib tug ntse kov rau lub Thanksgiving sib sau ua ke. Lawv tuaj nyob rau hauv liab thiab grey thiab yog ua los ntawm zoo acrylic uas muaj elasticity zoo thiab yuav ua rau koj tus dev sov thiab stylish. Lub tes tsho tsim ua rau lawv yooj yim rub koj tus dev lub taub hau, thiab lub caj dab lub qhov yog tsim los rub tau yooj yim dua koj tus dev txoj hlua.

Raws li nrog ntau lub tsho dev tsim, qhov loj me yuav khiav me me, yog li nco ntsoov ntsuas koj tus dev ua ntej yuav khoom kom paub tseeb tias haum.


  • Pack of 2
  • Sov
  • Stylish


Size khiav me

Tus Neeg Yuav Qhia: Xaiv Txoj Cai Thanksgiving Sweater Rau Koj Tus dev

Aub sweaters tuaj nyob rau hauv ntau qhov ntau thiab tsawg, tsim, thiab ntaub, thiab nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb uas yuav tau xaiv qhov yog kom koj tus menyuam mos xis nyob thiab sov hauv qhov no. Thaum xaiv tus tsim, xav txog seb nws yuav cuam tshuam li cas rau koj tus dev lub peev xwm txav, kev nplij siab, thiab kub.


Ua ntej, ntsuas koj tus dev. Txhua lub chaw tsim khoom yuav muaj cov kab kos sib txawv, thiab qhov ntau thiab tsawg yuav txawv ntawm cov tuam txhab. Yog tias koj tus dev qhov loj me yog qhov nruab nrab rau ib hom, nws tsis tas txhais tau tias nws yuav yog qhov nruab nrab rau lwm hom. Koj yuav tsum ntsuas lawv lub caj dab loj, lub hauv siab girth, thiab nraub qaum ntev. Feem ntau, qhov ntau thiab tsawg yuav me dua li qhov lawv zoo li, yog li nco ntsoov ntsuas koj tus dev kom txiav txim siab qhov loj me ua ntej yuav khoom.

Nyob zoo

Ua kom cov qhov qhib tsis nruj heev vim lawv tuaj yeem ua rau khaus lossis txwv qhov chaw ntawm caj dab. Yog tias lub tsho loj dhau los yog xoob, nws tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev phom sij, ua rau koj tus dev mus los lossis raug ntes los ntawm cov khoom.


Thaum lub caij nplooj zeeg, koj yuav tsum xaiv tej yam sov so rau koj tus tsiaj, xws li fleece lossis ntaub plaub. Yog tias koj tus dev feem ntau nyob sab nraum zoov, nws yuav tsum tau tiv thaiv av nkos thiab tsis txhob rub mus rau cov ceg ntoo. Cov ntaub plaub tuaj yeem tuav cov nyom, nplooj, thiab av, thiab yog tias nws tau ntes tau ntawm ib tsob ntoo, nws tuaj yeem yooj yim tshem tawm. Ib daim ntaub uas yooj yim los ntxuav thiab tsis stain yog tsim rau tus dev sab nraum zoov.

Special Features

Nyob rau hauv huab cua txias, tej zaum koj yuav xav kom koj tus dev lub tsho tiv no thaum nws yog lub sij hawm taug kev. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, ib tug sweater nrog ib tug leash qhov yog zoo tagnrho. Tshawb xyuas qhov tsim ntawm lub tsho hauv qab kom pom tias koj tus dev tuaj yeem ua nws txoj kev lag luam yam tsis ua rau lub tsho loj hauv cov txheej txheem. Lub sweater zoo meej Thanksgiving yog ib qho uas haum rau lub caij thiab ua haujlwm.


Kev yuav cov dev yuav luag yuav nyuaj li kev yuav khoom rau koj tus kheej! Tsuav koj tus dev sov thiab lub sweater haum zoo, ces koj tsis tuaj yeem ua yuam kev. Luckily, muaj qee qhov kev xaiv zoo nrog cov yam ntxwv uas kuj zoo kawg nkaus rau kev sib sau ua ke Thanksgiving. Peb qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws yog Bwogue turkey sweater costume vim nws tsuas yog ntxim hlub heev los tiv thaiv thiab siv tau heev. Peb qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws rau cov nyiaj yog Pedgot-themed sweater. Ob lub sweaters rau tus nqi ntawm ib qho yog tus nqi zoo! Yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav rau lub caij ntuj sov Thanksgiving-themed sweater, peb qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws yog Kev Zoo Siab Thanksgiving Pet Hooded Sweater. Peb vam tias cov kev tshuaj xyuas no tau pab kho koj cov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws Thanksgiving sweater rau koj tus dev.

Pom zoo: