8 Zoo tshaj GPS Cat Trackers hauv 2023 - (GPS dab tshos thiab Ntau!)

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8 Zoo tshaj GPS Cat Trackers hauv 2023 - (GPS dab tshos thiab Ntau!)
8 Zoo tshaj GPS Cat Trackers hauv 2023 - (GPS dab tshos thiab Ntau!)

Tsis muaj tus tswv miv xav ntsib kev ntxhov siab ntawm lawv cov miv uas nws hlub ploj mus. Ua tsaug, peb nyob rau hnub thiab hnub nyoog ntawm kev nce qib thev naus laus zis uas muab kev xaiv rau peb kom taug qab zoo dua ntawm peb cov neeg hauv tsev neeg.

Muaj koj tus miv microchipped yog qhov tseem ceeb, vim nws yuav pab tau koj rov nrog koj tus miv yog tias lawv tuaj rau hauv chaw kho tsiaj lossis chaw nyob tsiaj. Ntxiv nrog rau lub microchip, koj tuaj yeem xav txog kom tau txais tus tracker rau kev ruaj ntseg ntxiv.

Muaj ntau tus miv trackers nrog ntau hom kev taug qab muaj peev xwm muaj nyob hauv khw niaj hnub no. Peb tau saib cov kev tshuaj xyuas los ntawm lwm tus tswv miv thiab tau sau cov npe ntawm yim tus miv zoo tshaj plaws, suav nrog GPS dab tshos thiab qee qhov kev xaiv zoo.

Lub 8 Qhov Zoo Tshaj GPS Cat Trackers

1. Cube Real-Time GPS Dog & Cat Tracker - Zoo Tshaj Plaws

Tracking Technology: GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
Battery Type: Rechargeable nrog USB
Tracking Distance: Ncig teb chaws nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States

Lub Cube Real-Time GPS Dog & Cat Tracker tau txais qhov chaw rau tag nrho qhov zoo tshaj plaws GPS miv tracker vim nws siv GPS, Wi-Fi, xov tooj ntawm tes triangulation, thiab Bluetooth thev naus laus zis rau qhov tseeb qhov chaw taug qab. Nws los nrog SIM daim npav, USB them cable thiab yuav txuas ncaj qha rau koj lub xov tooj los ntawm kev siv Verizon lub xov tooj ntawm tes.

Tus tracker no tso cai rau hauv dab tshos thiab muaj qhov nyiam qhov chaw uas tso cai rau koj los teeb tsa kev mus ncig rau koj tus miv. Lub roj teeb lub neej nyob qhov twg los ntawm 10 mus rau 60 hnub nrog tus nqi tag nrho. Qhov no yog tus nqi ncaj ncees heev raws li tus nqi them ua ntej tab sis xav tau kev tso npe txhua hli.


  • Long roj teeb lub neej
  • Tsis muaj ntau yam txwv nrog qhov tseeb qhov chaw
  • Multiple user access
  • Durable


Yuav tsum tau sau npe txhua hli lossis txhua xyoo

2. Traactive Dog & Cat GPS Tracker - Tus nqi zoo tshaj

Tracking Technology: GPS, Kev Ua Haujlwm Tracker
Battery Type: Rechargeable
Tracking Distance: Worldwide

Tus Tsiaj Aub & Miv GPS Tracker yog kev siv nyiaj txiag thiab yuav muab koj tus nqi zoo tshaj rau koj cov nyiaj. Ua los ntawm cov yas thiab silicone, qhov tracker no pom zoo rau cov tsiaj ntau dua 9 phaus.

Tractive suav nrog thaj chaw keeb kwm uas tuaj yeem muab qhia rau tsev neeg, phooj ywg, lossis hauv kev sib txuas rau pej xeem yog tias koj tus miv ploj lawm thiab koj xav tau kev pab ntxiv coj lawv mus tsev.

Daim ntawv cim npe tuaj yeem txuas rau txhua lub dab tshos lossis hlua thiab muaj cov yam ntxwv tshwj xeeb xws li kev taug qab kev ua si thiab kev xaiv laj kab virtual uas yuav ceeb toom koj yog tias thaj tsam hla. Lub roj teeb ntawm lub tracker no kav ntev li 2 txog 5 hnub.

Lub Traactive tuaj nrog GPS tracker, lub charger cable, thiab ib daim ntawv roj hmab los txuas rau dab tshos lossis hlua. Qee cov neeg tshuaj xyuas tau yws tias qhov tracker no hnyav heev rau qee tus miv thiab cov dev me thiab tej zaum yuav ntsib qee qhov teeb meem kev lag luam thiab yuav tsum tau rov ua dua.


  • Tus nqi pheej yig
  • Virtual laj kab muaj peev xwm
  • Activity tracker


  • Yuav tsum tau txais txhua hli
  • Bulky
  • Yuav tsum tau rov ua dua tshiab

3. Whistle Mus Tshawb Tus Tsiaj Qhov Chaw Tracker - Hwm Xaiv

Tracking Technology: GPS, Wi-Fi
Battery Type: Rechargeable nrog USB
Tracking Distance: 300 feet

Lub Whistle Mus Tshawb Qhov Kawg Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv thiab Qhov Chaw Tracker rau Cov Tsiaj muaj ntau yam nta thiab kho tau raws li koj qhov kev nyiam taug qab. Cov cuab yeej no muaj email, ntawv, thiab app ceeb toom.

Cov cuab yeej no muab GPS taug qab lub sijhawm siv Google Maps. Lub app muaj cov yam ntxwv ntawm qhov xav tau uas yuav txuas koj mus rau tus kws kho tsiaj ntawm kev sib tham, hu xov tooj, lossis email.

The Whistle Go Explore yog cov dej tsis zoo, ruaj khov, thiab muaj roj teeb lub neej kwv yees li 20 hnub. Nws taug qab tsis yog qhov chaw xwb, tab sis nyob deb, kev ua si, calories, thiab txawm tias tus cwj pwm coj zoo xws li licking, khawb, thiab pw tsaug zog.

Qhov no yog lwm tus duas duas tracker vim cov cuab yeej siab dua thiab muaj cov yam ntxwv. Nws tseem xav tau qhov dreaded subscription txhua hli thiab. Raws li kev txheeb xyuas, cov khoom no tuaj yeem ua ntau rau qee tus miv.


  • Ntau yam xim xaiv
  • Tau qhov chaw, kev ua, kev noj haus, kev coj cwj pwm
  • Durable


  • Require subscription
  • High upfront cost
  • Bulky

4. Chipolo IB Bluetooth Tsiaj Tag - Zoo tshaj rau Kittens

Tracking Technology: Bluetooth
Battery Type: Replaceable
Tracking Distance: 300 feet

Chipolo IB Bluetooth Dog, Cat & Nees Tag yog ib qho yooj yim, me me (8 ooj) taug qab tag uas tuaj yeem txuas rau koj lub dab tshos. Chipolo muaj ib qho app uas tso cai rau koj hu koj lub cim npe los pab koj nrhiav koj tus tsiaj. Vim qhov me me, lub teeb yuag, lub cim npe no zoo tagnrho rau cov menyuam miv ib yam nkaus.

Ib qho yooj yim feature ntawm Chipolo yog tias lub cim npe tuaj yeem pab koj nrhiav koj lub xov tooj ntawm tes txij li lub nplhaib feature mus rau ob txoj hauv kev. Txhua tus poob lawv lub xov tooj nyob rau hauv ib qho chaw hauv tsev, tsis yog txhua tus tuaj yeem sau npe rau lawv cov miv kom pab! Hmoov tsis zoo, lub nplhaib tshwj xeeb tsuas yog ua tiav yog tias nyob rau hauv qhov kev hnov lus deb.

Chipolo yog sib xws nrog Google Assistant, Alexa, Amazon, thiab Siri. Lub roj teeb lub neej tuaj yeem tshaj 6 lub hlis thiab cov ntaub ntawv tag tuaj yeem muab faib rau lwm tus neeg siv. Txawm li cas los xij, qhov no tsis yog GPS tracker, yog li qhov ntau yam txwv thiab tsis zoo rau cov neeg taug kev deb.


  • roj teeb siv tau ntev
  • Nplhaib feature uas ua haujlwm ob txoj hauv kev
  • Ntau tus neeg siv software
  • Tus nqi qis


  • Tsis yog qhov tseeb GPS tracker
  • Nplhaib tsuas yog ua haujlwm nyob rau ntawm qhov hnov ntaus

5. JioBit Dog & Cat Qhov Chaw Saib Xyuas

Tracking Technology: GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth
Battery Type: Rechargeable nrog USB
Tracking Distance: Nationwide

The Jiobit Dog & Cat Location Monitor yog lub tshuab thev naus laus zis uas siv kev sib txuas ntawm tes, GPS, Wi-Fi, thiab Bluetooth thev naus laus zis los saib xyuas koj tus miv qhov chaw. Cov tracker no yog dej-resistant, ruaj, thiab hnav.

Jiobit tau tshuaj xyuas zoo thiab ua tau zoo. Nws yog tus tracker kim tshaj plaws hauv daim ntawv teev npe, tab sis cov yam ntxwv suav nrog ua rau nws tsim nyog rau cov nyiaj. Nws los nrog qib siab kev ruaj ntseg thiab encryption ntawm cov ntaub ntawv los muab kev tiv thaiv siab heev rau koj thaum taug qab koj tus miv qhov chaw thiab kev ua ub no.

Lub mobile app muaj kev ceeb toom ntawm lub sijhawm, teeb tsa geofence, thiab qhov chaw hloov tshiab. Kev yuav khoom suav nrog Jiobit GPS qhov chaw tracker, them nyiaj dock, USB cable, pluaj clip, hem-lock clip, ruaj ntseg voj, Quick Start qhia, Smartphone App qhia, thiab daim ntawv qhia txuas.

Jiobit lub roj teeb lub neej yog kwv yees li 7 hnub. Qhov kev poob loj tshaj plaws yog tus nqi nce siab thiab tus nqi ntawm qhov yuav tsum tau ua npe.


  • High-level kev ruaj ntseg thiab encryption
  • Zoo thiab lub teeb
  • Ntau tus neeg siv taug qab software nrog qhov tseeb qhov chaw


  • Require subscription
  • Tus nqi siab dua
  • Bulky for me miv

6. Pobzeb Mate Bluetooth Tracker

Tracking Technology: Bluetooth
Battery Type: Replaceable
Tracking Distance: mus txog 200 feet

Tile Mate Bluetooth Tracker tuaj yeem txuas rau koj tus miv dab tshos. Pobzeb Mate los nrog nws cov app rau kev siv yooj yim rau kev taug qab yooj yim ntawm koj lub xov tooj. Lub downside yog qhov ntau tsuas yog mus txog 200 ko taw. Leej twg xav tau kev taug mus ntev dua yuav xav mus saib lwm qhov.

Tile Mate yuav ua haujlwm nrog Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Xfinity, thiab Siri. Lub app yuav muab cov ntaub ntawv keeb kwm yav dhau los thiab sib koom nrog lwm tus neeg siv. Tile Mate muaj lub nplhaib ob txoj kev uas yuav tso cai rau koj nrhiav koj tus miv lossis kom koj tus miv nrhiav koj lub xov tooj uas ploj lawm.

Tile Mate yog qhov yooj yim thiab muaj roj teeb lub neej ntev txog ib xyoos. Nws tsis muaj qhov zoo nkauj ntawm qee qhov ntawm lwm tus GPS trackers tab sis zoo rau kev siv luv luv.


  • Me me thiab lub teeb
  • Yooj yim txuas rau dab tshos
  • Shareable nrog ntau tus neeg siv
  • No subscription txhua hli


  • Short range
  • Lacks ntau tshaj GPS nta

7. Girafus Cat Tracker

Tracking Technology: Radio Frequency
Battery Type: Rechargeable
Tracking Distance: Txog 1,600 feet

Girafus Cat Tracker siv xov tooj cua zaus tshuab thiab muaj ntau yam txog li 1600 ko taw. Lub roj teeb rechargeable ntawm no tracker tuaj yeem kav ntev txog 30 hnub. Girafus yog nruab nrog qhov taw qhia taw qhia LED teeb thiab teeb liab tones.

Cov xov tooj cua zaus thev naus laus zis yog qhov yooj yim xav tias nws tsis cuam tshuam nrog cov khoom siv ntawm tes, lossis nws yuav xav tau lub xov tooj ntawm tes ua haujlwm. Thaum tus tracker no tuaj ntawm tus nqi siab dua li Bluetooth trackers feem ntau, tsis muaj nqi them txhua hli koom nrog.

Girafus tuaj yeem hnav ntawm lub dab tshos thiab muaj ob qho tib si suab thiab pom ntawm qhov chaw tuav. Qhov kev txwv ntawm 1, 600 ko taw tsis nyiam los ntawm qee tus tswv. Zuag qhia tag nrho, qhov no yog qhov kev xaiv zoo rau cov uas nyiam xov tooj cua zaus nrhiav.


  • Muaj lub suab thiab pom kev pom ntawm lub xov tooj ntawm tes finder
  • Tsis muaj nqi txhua hli
  • Can hnav rau dab tshos


  • Limited range
  • Tus nqi siab dua li feem ntau Bluetooth trackers

8. Findster Duo Dog & Cat GPS Tracker

Tracking Technology: GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
Battery Type: Rechargeable
Tracking Distance: 3 mais

Tus Findster Duo Dog & Cat GPS Tracker tsis tas yuav muaj kev tso npe txhua hli thiab tsis siv xov tooj ntawm tes lossis SIM daim npav ua haujlwm. Cov tracker no los twb tau nruab nrog 1-xyoo kev tso npe thiab yuav taug qab tus miv qhov chaw thiab kev ua si ntawm koj lub xov tooj ntawm lub sijhawm.

Lub Findster Duo yog tus nqi siab dua, tab sis tsis them nyiaj txhua hli yog qhov txiaj ntsig. Finder Duo yog ib qho yooj yim mus use, ruaj, waterproof, thiab ua los ntawm roj hmab. Nws yog qhov hnyav ib yam nkaus thiab suav nrog cov yam ntxwv xws li cov phooj ywg thiab tsev neeg sib koom thiab taug qab kev ua si.

Roj teeb lub neej muaj li ntawm 7 hnub nrog GPS tawm, thiab mus txog 12 teev nrog GPS qhib. Findster App yog siv los saib xyuas thiab khaws cov ntaub ntawv tsim nyog. Muaj cov kev xaiv geofence uas muaj kev ceeb toom uas yuav ceeb toom koj yog tias koj tus miv tawm ntawm nws qhov chaw xav tau.

Finder Duo muaj qhov txwv tsis pub piv rau qee tus neeg sib tw thiab lub roj teeb lub neej luv luv.


  • Tsis xav tau cellular coverage
  • Easy to use
  • No subscription txhua hli


  • High upfront cost
  • Limited range
  • Shorter roj teeb lub neej

Tus Neeg Yuav Qhia: Xaiv Qhov Zoo Tshaj GPS Cat Tracker

Tej yam uas yuav tsum tau xav ua ntej xaiv Cat Tracker

Ua ntej koj txiav txim siab zaum kawg ntawm koj qhov kev yuav khoom, muaj qee qhov kev xav kom nco ntsoov. Koj yuav tsum ua qhov kev txiav txim siab uas haum rau koj cov kev xav tau thiab koj tus miv txoj kev nplij siab.


Cov nqi them ua ntej muaj kev txhawj xeeb siab nrog qhov kev yuav khoom no. Koj yuav tsum tau ceev faj txog cov trackers uas yuav tsum tau ua txhua hli. Cov kev tso npe no feem ntau tuaj nrog cov khoom lag luam tshaj plaws. Koj xav kom koj tau txais txiaj ntsig zoo rau koj cov nyiaj thiab nyiaj txiag thaum tau txais cov yam ntxwv koj xav tau.

Size thiab Nyhav

Koj tsis tas yuav hnav lub tracker, tab sis koj tus miv ua. Miv yog cov tsiaj me me uas yuav tsis zoo rau tej yam tshiab uas hnav nyob ib ncig ntawm caj dab. Koj tsis xav yuav ib qho hnyav, hnyav tracker. Tus tracker hnyav tuaj yeem ua rau tsis tsim nyog, thiab tuaj yeem ua rau mob rau koj tus miv, tsis hais txog kev tsis xis nyob tag nrho. Nrhiav tus me me, lub teeb yuag tracker uas haum rau koj cov kev xav tau yog qhov zoo tagnrho rau txhua tus miv.


Cov khoom siv tshuab siv ntau dua, nws yuav kim dua. Cov neeg taug qab muaj ntau lub peev xwm sib txawv, nrog GPS thiab Wi-nkaus taug qab yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws vim kev taug qab mus ntev thiab muaj peev xwm tuaj tos cov haujlwm thiab tus cwj pwm. Lwm cov kev xaiv uas tsis muaj thev naus laus zis zoo li muaj qhov luv dua tab sis lub roj teeb ntev dua.

Battery Life

Raws li koj tuaj yeem pom, roj teeb lub neej txawv ntawm cov miv trackers. Qee cov trackers tuaj nrog cov roj teeb rov qab, lwm tus tuaj yeem hloov tau. Bluetooth cim npe tuaj yeem kav ntev li 6 lub hlis mus txog rau ib xyoos tab sis muaj qhov luv luv. GPS trackers muaj roj teeb lub neej uas nyob ntawm ob peb teev mus rau ob peb hnub tab sis nyiam qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm qhov tseeb thiab kev taug qab mus ntev.


Muaj ntau yam nta muaj nrog trackers niaj hnub no. Nco ntsoov tias cov yam ntxwv siab dua, qhov khoom kim dua. Muaj cov trackers muaj uas tuaj yeem tsis tsuas yog taug qab qhov chaw nyob hauv lub sijhawm tiag tiag tab sis tuaj yeem taug qab kev ua si thiab tus cwj pwm coj cwj pwm.

Ntau qhov kev xaiv saum toj no muaj ntau tus neeg siv interface uas tuaj yeem sib koom nrog lwm tus los pab koj taug qab koj tus miv. Koj yuav tsum tau saib xyuas koj cov peev nyiaj thiab kev nyiam los txiav txim siab seb yam ntxwv twg tseem ceeb tshaj rau koj.


Vim cov trackers no hnav tau, koj xav kom lawv ua haujlwm ntev thiab siv tau. Ib tug dysfunctional tracker yuav tsis pab koj nrhiav koj tus miv. Cov khoom kim dua yuav tsum muaj kev txhawb nqa los ntawm cov chaw tsim khoom yog li nws tseem ceeb heev rau kev kuaj xyuas thiab kev lees paub txaus siab ua ntej kev yuav khoom loj.

Cov ntaub ntawv zoo, cov khoom siv ruaj khov uas tsis muaj dej-resistant los yog tsis muaj dej yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws los tiv thaiv tus tracker los ntawm kev puas tsuaj lossis tawg thaum hnav.


Lub Cube Real-Time GPS Dog & Cat Tracker los ntawm tus nqi qis tab sis muaj cov yam ntxwv tseem ceeb uas cov tswv xav tau thiab muaj zog kav ntev.

Tus Tsiaj Aub & Miv GPS Tracker yog qhov zoo yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav lub hnab nyiaj-tus phooj ywg tracker uas siv GPS nrhiav qhov chaw thiab kev ua si

The Whistle Go Explore yog qhov kev xaiv kim dua tab sis muaj qee qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm txhua yam khoom siv nrhiav tsiaj, suav nrog qhov chaw nyob ntawm lub sijhawm, kev taug qab kev ua si, taug qab tus cwj pwm, thiab ntau dua.

GPS thiab lwm yam miv trackers tsis yog hloov rau microchips tab sis muaj kev ruaj ntseg zoo rau cov tswv. Cov trackers zoo tshaj plaws yuav ua tau ntev, xis nyob, thiab txhim khu kev qha.

Pom zoo: