12 vaub kib pom hauv Florida (nrog duab)

Cov txheej txheem:

12 vaub kib pom hauv Florida (nrog duab)
12 vaub kib pom hauv Florida (nrog duab)

Nyob raws ntug dej hiav txwv thiab hauv cov av ntub dej yeej muaj nws cov txiaj ntsig, thiab qhov tseem ceeb ntawm lawv yog lub peev xwm los pom ib tuj ntawm cov tsiaj qus. Muaj ntau tshaj 30 hom vaub kib thoob plaws hauv Florida, suav nrog tsib lub hiav txwv sib txawv.

Nyob hauv phau ntawv qhia no, peb muab tag nrho tsib hom vaub kib thiab xya hom vaub kib ntau tshaj plaws uas koj tuaj yeem nrhiav tau!

12 vaub kib pom hauv Florida

1. Loggerhead

Species: Caretta caretta
Longevity: 70 txog 80 xyoo
Zoo rau tus kheej li tsiaj?: No
Legal to own?: No
Adult size: 2.5 txog 3.5 feet
Kev noj haus: Nyob hauv qab-dwelling invertebrates

Muaj tsib lub hiav txwv vaub kib uas koj tuaj yeem pom hauv Florida, tab sis Loggerhead yog qhov ntau tshaj plaws. Lawv tuaj yeem loj hlob mus rau qhov zoo nkauj 3.5 feet thiab pub rau hauv qab-tsev invertebrates thiab tuaj yeem nyob ntev li 80 xyoo!

Zoo li tag nrho cov vaub kib hauv hiav txwv, lawv yog hom kev tiv thaiv, uas txhais tau hais tias nws tsis raug cai los ntes lossis muaj ib qho ntawm cov tsiaj zoo nkauj no. Tsis yog tias koj yuav muaj qhov chaw saib xyuas lawv, txawm li cas los xij, vim tias lawv tuaj yeem hnyav txog 350 phaus!

2. Ntsuab vaub kib

Species: Chelonia mydas
Longevity: 70 txog 80 xyoo
Zoo rau tus kheej li tsiaj?: No
Legal to own?: No
Adult size: 3 to 4 feet
Kev noj haus: Algae, seagrass, invertebrates, thiab pov tseg ntses

Ib hiav txwv vaub kib uas koj tuaj yeem pom hauv Florida yog vaub kib ntsuab. Txawm hais tias lawv qhov loj me me, lawv max tawm ntawm tib qhov hnyav 350-phaus raws li tus loggerhead vaub kib.

Tub vaub ntsuab yog hom kab mob uas yuav muaj kev puas tsuaj, txawm li cas los xij, yog li pom cov vaub kib no yuav nyuaj me ntsis. Yog koj pom lawv, koj yuav tsum tso lawv ib leeg.

Lawv noj ntau yam khoom noj, suav nrog algae, seagrass, thiab me me invertebrates, ua rau lawv ntau dua ntawm cov khoom noj pub dawb. Cov vaub kib no tuaj yeem nyob ntev txog 80 xyoo hauv cov tsiaj qus, muab rau lawv ib qho ntawm cov tsiaj qus uas muaj sia nyob ntev tshaj plaws.

Kaw Saib: 10 vaub kib Pom hauv Missouri (nrog duab)

3. Leatherback

Species: Dermochelys coriacea
Longevity: 30 mus rau 40 xyoo
Zoo rau tus kheej li tsiaj?: No
Legal to own?: No
Adult size: 6 to 7 feet
Kev noj haus: Jellyfish, seaweed, ntses, crustaceans, thiab lwm yam invertebrates

Tsis muaj cov vaub kib hiav txwv zoo dua li Leatherback, thiab yog tias koj muaj hmoo, koj tuaj yeem pom ob peb ntawm lawv ntawm ntug dej hiav txwv Florida. Thaum Leatherback vaub kib tseem tsis tau raug cais tawm raws li kev puas tsuaj, lawv tau teev tseg tias muaj kev phom sij.

Cov vaub kib zoo nkauj no tuaj yeem loj hlob mus txog 7 feet ntev thiab hnyav dua 1,500 phaus! Txawm tias lawv lub neej tsis muaj tseeb, peb paub tias lawv nyob tsawg kawg 30 xyoo.

Ib tug lev dej hiav txwv qab zib tuaj yeem ncav cuag nrawm txog 22 mais toj ib teev hauv dej. Lawv noj cov jellyfish, seaweed, ntses, crustaceans, thiab lwm yam invertebrates kom ncav cuag lawv loj loj.

4. Kemp's Ridley

Species: Lepidochelys kempi
Longevity: 30 mus rau 40 xyoo
Zoo rau tus kheej li tsiaj?: No
Legal to own?: No
Adult size: 2 feet
Kev noj haus: Crab, jellyfish, thiab me mollusks

Yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav pom Kemp's Ridley hiav txwv vaub kib hauv Florida, koj yuav muaj koj txoj haujlwm txiav tawm rau koj. Tam sim no lawv tau teev tseg tias muaj kev phom sij txaus ntshai, tsuas yog 7,000 txog 9,000 tus neeg tseem ciaj sia.

Thaum tus lej ntawd poob qis, tsuas muaj 200 tus ciaj sia nyob rau xyoo 1980, yog li ntawd qhov kev txhim kho zoo nkauj heev!

Cov no yog cov vaub kib me tshaj plaws hauv ntiaj teb, txawm tias lawv tseem tuaj yeem ncav cuag qhov ntev 2 feet thiab hnyav ze li 90 phaus.

Vim lawv cov lej poob qis dua 40 xyoo dhau los, qhov tseeb ntawm Kemp's Ridley hiav txwv vaub kib tseem tsis tau paub, tab sis tsawg kawg yog 30 txog 40 xyoo.

Kuj Saib: 14 vaub kib pom hauv Pennsylvania (nrog duab)

5. Hawksbill

Species: Eretmochelys imbricata
Longevity: 50 txog 60 xyoo
Zoo rau tus kheej li tsiaj?: No
Legal to own?: No
Adult size: 3 feet
Kev noj haus: Hiav txwv sponges, algae, coral, mollusks, tunicates, crustaceans, hiav txwv urchins, me ntses, thiab jellyfish

Hiav txwv vaub kib hom uas koj tuaj yeem pom hauv Florida yog Hawksbill. Ib yam li Kemp's Ridley hiav txwv vaub kib, Hawksbill yog qhov txaus ntshai heev. Thaum tam sim no muaj txog 25,000 tus poj niam zes thoob ntiaj teb, lawv qhov kev cia siab ntev tsis zoo.

Cov vaub kib zoo nkauj no tuaj yeem nyob txog 60 xyoo thiab ncav cuag qhov loj ntawm 3 feet, thaum hnyav txog 175 phaus! Lawv yog cov neeg pub zaub mov, noj hiav txwv sponges, algae, jellyfish, thiab invertebrates tib yam.

Yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav pom ib qho ntawm cov tsiaj no hauv Florida, koj yuav tsum tau los ntawm Lub Rau Hli thiab Lub Yim Hli, vim tias qhov no yog thaum cov poj niam zes tuaj rau ntug dej kom tso lawv cov qe.

Kuj Saib: 10 vaub kib pom hauv Michigan (nrog duab)

6. Florida Softshell

Species: Apalone ferox
Longevity: 30 xyoo
Zoo rau tus kheej li tsiaj?: Yes
Legal to own?: Yes
Adult size: 6 txog 12 nti rau txiv neej thiab 12 txog 24 nti rau poj niam
Kev noj haus: Snails, ntses, thiab qee zaus, waterfowl

Thaum koj tsis tuaj yeem muaj cov vaub kib hauv Florida, lawv nyob deb ntawm cov vaub kib uas koj tuaj yeem nrhiav tau. Florida softshell vaub kib nyob thoob plaws hauv lub xeev thiab ua rau tsiaj zoo - txawm tias cov poj niam tuaj yeem xav tau 150-gallon enclosures lossis loj dua.

Nco ntsoov tias Florida softshell vaub kib ua tom, yog li ceev faj thaum tuav lawv. Lawv kuj yog hom vaub kib hnyav, yog li nws zoo tshaj yog tias koj nyob lawv ib leeg.

7. Gulf ntug dej hiav txwv Smooth Softshell

Species: Apalone mutica calvata
Longevity: 50 xyoo
Zoo rau tus kheej li tsiaj?: Yes
Legal to own?: Yes
Adult size: 4.5 txog 10.5 nti rau txiv neej thiab 6.5 txog 14 nti rau poj niam
Kev noj haus: Crayfish thiab lwm yam dej kab

Thaum koj tuaj yeem nrhiav Florida softshell vaub kib thoob plaws hauv lub xeev, yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav Gulf ntug dej hiav txwv du softshell vaub kib, koj yuav tsum tau mus rau lub panhandle.

Lawv tom thiab txhoj puab heev, txawm hais tias txiv neej thiab poj niam yog ze rau qhov loj dua. Lub Gulf ntug dej hiav txwv du softshell vaub kib yog me me, tab sis koj tseem yuav tsum tau ceev faj thaum tuav lawv.

8. Snapping vaub kib

Species: Chelydra serpentina
Longevity: 15 thiab 45 xyoo
Zoo rau tus kheej li tsiaj?: No
Legal to own?: Yes
Adult size: 8 txog 14 nti
Kev noj haus: Carrion, invertebrates, ntses, noog, tsiaj me me, thiab amphibians

Tseem muaj ob peb vaub kib paub zoo rau lawv aggressiveness tshaj tus snapping vaub kib. Txawm hais tias muaj coob tus neeg xav tias lawv muaj caj dab me, lawv lub caj dab tuaj yeem ncav cuag 2/3 qhov ntev ntawm lawv lub cev!

Lawv muaj claws ntawm txhua ko taw ib yam nkaus, yog li koj yuav tsum tau saib xyuas lawv thaum tuav lawv. Vim lawv qhov kev nruj nruj, lawv tsis ua tsiaj zoo rau cov tswv vaub thawj zaug.

9. Alligator Snapping vaub kib

Species: Macrochelys temminckii
Longevity: 50 txog 100 xyoo
Zoo rau tus kheej li tsiaj?: No
Legal to own?: Yes
Adult size: Txog 26 ntiv tes
Kev noj haus: Ntses, dej tsiaj, thiab zaub

Thaum tus nquab nquab nquab vaub kib tsuas yog lwm hom snapping vaub kib, lawv cov tsos tshwj xeeb tau lees paub qhov tshwj xeeb ntawm peb cov npe. Lawv muaj qhov zoo li prehistoric uas ua rau lawv nrov heev ntawm cov neeg sau.

Lawv tuaj yeem nyob tau txog 100 xyoo hauv kev poob cev qhev, txawm tias koj tseem yuav tsum tau ceev faj ntawm lawv cov claws ntse thiab muaj zog tom thaum tuav lawv. Lawv tuaj yeem ncav cuag qhov loj 26 ntiv tes thiab hnyav txog 175 phaus, yog li nws yuav siv sij hawm me ntsis ntawm brawn txav lawv ib yam.

Vim lawv qhov loj thiab qhov hnyav dua, lawv tsis ua cov tsiaj zoo tshaj plaws, txawm tias nws muaj peev xwm ua tau ib tus.

Kaw Saib: 7 vaub pom hauv Indiana (nrog duab)

10. Spotted vaub kib

Species: Clemmys guttata
Longevity: 5 txog 50 xyoo
Zoo rau tus kheej li tsiaj?: Yes
Legal to own?: Yes
Adult size: 3.5 txog 5 nti
Kev noj haus: Algae, nroj tsuag, dej lily noob, worms, mollusks, crustaceans, kab, thiab kab larvae

Yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav tus vaub kib, tus vaub kib pom yog qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj. Lawv me me, txhais tau tias lawv tsis xav tau lub tank loj.

Koj tuaj yeem pom cov vaub kib qus nyob thoob plaws hauv Florida feem ntau, tab sis lawv pom tau tias tsis tuaj yeem nyob hauv qab thib peb ntawm ceg av qab teb thiab sab hnub poob ntawm lub panhandle. Lawv noj cov nroj tsuag me me thiab cov pob txha tsis muaj zog thiab tuaj yeem nyob qhov twg los ntawm 25 txog 50 xyoo hauv cov qus.

11. Qaib vaub

Species: Deirochelys reticularia
Longevity: 20 txog 25 xyoo
Zoo rau tus kheej li tsiaj?: Yes
Legal to own?: Yes
Adult size: 6 txog 9 nti
Kev noj haus: Kab, amphibian larvae, me ntses, thiab crayfish

Koj tuaj yeem pom qaib vaub kib thoob plaws hauv lub xeev Florida ntau. Lawv nyob qhov twg los ntawm 6 mus rau 9 ntiv tes loj, thiab lawv noj cov kab me me, amphibian larvae, thiab ntses me.

Lawv me me ua rau lawv nyiam tsiaj. Yog tias koj xav paub tias lawv tau txais lawv lub npe li cas, nws tsis muaj dab tsi ua rau lawv qhov tsos. Hloov chaw, nws yog hais txog txoj kev uas lawv saj. Ntau tus neeg tau txais kev pab hais tias lawv saj ib yam li nqaij qaib, thiab lub npe daig.

12. Red-Eared Sliders

Species: Trachemys scripta elegans
Longevity: 20 xyoo
Zoo rau tus kheej li tsiaj?: Yes
Legal to own?: Yes
Adult size: 12 nti
Kev noj haus: Ntsuag, ntses me, qav tuag, ntses lwj, thiab yuav luag txhua yam

Muaj ntau hom kab slider thoob plaws Florida, tab sis feem ntau yog tej zaum cov liab-eared slider. Lawv muaj ntau yam ntuj tsim uas suav nrog yuav luag tag nrho lub xeev, tsuas yog ib feem me me ntawm sab hnub poob ntawm ceg av qab teb raug zam.

Lawv tuaj yeem ncav cuag li 12 ntiv tes ntev thiab yog cov khoom noj pub dawb, noj txhua yam uas lawv tuaj yeem nrhiav tau. Thaum lub pob ntseg liab tuaj yeem tom, lawv muaj qhov tsis xis nyob uas ua rau tsis tshua pom thiab ua rau lawv yog tsiaj zoo.

Tub vaub kib

Thaum nws yeej ntxias tau tus vaub kib, nco ntsoov tias koj yuav tsum khaws cov vaub kib uas raug ntes ua tus tsiaj. Cia cov vaub kib nyob rau hauv cov qus, yog li ntawd lawv cov pej xeem yuav vam meej thiab koj yuav tsis cuam tshuam rau lub zos ecosystem.

Tsis tas li, nco ntsoov tias vaub kib xav tau ntau qhov chaw thiab nyob ntev. Yog li, koj yuav ua tau 50-xyoo kev cog lus thiab yuav xav tau nyob qhov twg los ntawm 50-gallon mus rau 150-gallon enclosure.


Lub sijhawm tom ntej uas koj mus rau lub puam lossis txawm lub pas dej hauv Florida, ua tib zoo saib cov vaub kib. Nrog ntau dua 30 hom tsiaj sib txawv hauv lub xeev, muaj lub sijhawm zoo uas koj tuaj yeem pom ob peb tus vaub kib hauv zos, tab sis koj yuav nco lawv yog tias koj tsis saib!

Pom zoo: