10 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws Ferret Harnesses hauv 2023 - Xyuas & Sab saum toj Picks

Cov txheej txheem:

10 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws Ferret Harnesses hauv 2023 - Xyuas & Sab saum toj Picks
10 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws Ferret Harnesses hauv 2023 - Xyuas & Sab saum toj Picks

Txhua tus uas tau muaj tus ferret yeej paub tias cov menyuam yaus ntxim hlub no tuaj yeem ua tau thiab nrawm nrawm. Ib feeb lawv yuav tau xis nyob hauv koj txhais caj npab thiab tom ntej no lawv yuav tau hla koj txoj kev tuav, tiab tawm ntawm tus ntaiv, thiab pom qhov chaw nkaum hauv qab lub rooj zaum.

Nws tsis yog ib qho teeb meem nyob rau hauv qhov chaw kaw, tab sis yog tias koj npaj yuav coj koj tus tsiaj ferret sab nraud mus taug kev hauv lub ntiaj teb dav dua, koj yuav xav tau lub tsho zoo.

Muaj ntau ntau hom kev xaiv los ntawm, thiab ntau yam sib txawv thiab cov qauv, uas tuaj yeem xaiv cov hlua zoo tshaj plaws rau koj ferret me ntsis ntawm kev sib tw. Raws li nrog rau feem ntau, qee yam ntawm cov khoom no yog cov khoom zoo, qee qhov tsis zoo, thiab qee qhov tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev phom sij rau koj tus tsiaj. Paub tias qhov twg yog qhov tsim nyog xaiv tuaj yeem yog qhov nyuaj me ntsis, yog li txhawm rau pab koj tawm, peb tau muab tso ua ke cov npe ntawm cov kev tshuaj xyuas zoo tshaj plaws ferret harnesses muaj.

10 Zoo tshaj Ferret Harnesses

1. Kaytee Me Tsiaj Khaub Ncaws - Zoo Tshaj Plaws


Cov Kaytee Me Tsiaj Khaub Ncaws yog lub tsho khuam kho kom haum zoo nkauj thiab hlua khi ua ke. Nws muaj nyob rau hauv peb qhov sib txawv thiab tuaj yeem ua tiav nrog kev ruaj ntseg elastic-style leash.

Cov hlua yog tsim los ntawm cov khoom siv nylon maj mam thiab haum nrog ob lub hnab yas kho tau uas yuav ua kom muaj kev sib haum xeeb thiab haum rau koj tus tsiaj. Kuj tseem muaj hlau D-ntiv nplhaib ruaj ntseg nyob rau sab nraum qab ntawm lub sam xauv nees kom yooj yim txuas rau cov hlua khi.


  • Txhim kho tau
  • Muaj 3 qhov ntau thiab tsawg
  • Lub teeb, comfy tsho khuam
  • Price
  • Build quality
  • Elastic / Stretchy leash


Limited xaiv xim

2. Nyob Ntiaj Teb Me Tsiaj Khaub Ncaws - Tus Nqi Zoo Tshaj


Cov tsiaj me me los ntawm Lub Ntiaj Teb Lub Ntiaj Teb yog lwm lub tsho khuam kho tau zoo uas tuaj yeem ua tiav nrog txoj hlua khi. Tsis zoo li peb qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws saum toj no, cov hlua khi khoom siv tsis yog tsim los ntawm cov khoom siv elastic. Txawm li cas los xij, cov khoom no yog, hauv peb lub tswv yim, qhov zoo tshaj plaws ferret hlua rau cov nyiaj.

Cov hlua nws tus kheej yog tsim los ntawm cov khoom siv nylon mesh, thiab cov fasteners muaj ob lub Velcro thiab yas clips. Nws muaj nyob rau hauv peb qhov ntau thiab tsawg thiab tuaj hauv peb xim sib txawv, ntshav, liab, thiab xiav.


  • Price
  • Lub teeb thiab airy mesh
  • Adjustable


  • Non-elastic leash
  • Build quality

3. Marshall Harness & Lead Ferret Leash - Hwm Xaiv


Yog hais tias tus hwm H-style hlua uas tau tsim los rau ferrets yog qhov koj tab tom nrhiav, koj yuav tsum ua tib zoo saib cov qauv no los ntawm Marshall. Nws yog tsim los ntawm zoo nylon strapping, yog tag nrho adjustable, muaj ib qho yooj yim mus saib tau cov yas clips, thiab los ua tiav nrog ib tug leash.

Tus tsim ntawm lub sam xauv nees no yog qhov uas nws tso cai rau koj ferret tag nrho txoj kev ywj pheej ntawm kev txav thaum tseem ua kom nws tsis tuaj yeem swb tawm ntawm lub sam thiaj.


  • Tshwj xeeb tsim rau ferrets
  • Allows tag nrho lub zog
  • Zoo ua tau


  • Price
  • Non-elastic leash

4. FunPetLife Tsiaj Harness


Cov tsiaj me me no yuav yog qhov kev xaiv zoo yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav H-hom hlua uas muaj me ntsis style. Nws los ua tiav nrog cov hlua khi uas tsis yog elastic nrog rau cov khoom siv zoo nkauj tis uas ntxiv me ntsis ntawm pizzazz.

Cov hlua no yog tsim los ntawm nylon webbing, muaj cov yas me me fastening clips, thiab tseem muaj D-ring nyob rau sab nraub qaum kom muaj kev ruaj ntseg ntawm koj txoj hlua khi. Txawm hais tias tsis yog tsim tshwj xeeb rau cov ferrets, lub harness yog tag nrho adjustable thiab tuaj nyob rau hauv ntau yam xim.


  • Stylis harness
  • Allows tag nrho lub zog
  • Kev xaiv xim


  • Price
  • Build quality
  • Non-elastic leash

5. Ancol Ferret Harness & Lead Teeb


Daim duab-yim style harness yog tsim los ntawm polyester strapping thiab muaj nylon buckles. Nws muaj qhov txhim khu kev qha D-ntiv nplhaib txuas rau sab nraub qaum thiab tuaj yeem ua tiav nrog cov hlua khi uas tsis yog elastic.

Thaum hloov kho tau thiab tsim kom muaj kev ywj pheej siab tshaj plaws ntawm kev txav mus los, hom hlua no tuaj yeem nyuaj me ntsis kom haum thiab kho. Thaum tsis haum kom raug, ferrets tuaj yeem yooj yim wriggle dawb los ntawm hom kab no. Yog li, koj yuav tsum tau saib xyuas kom ntseeg tau tias koj tus tsiaj muaj kev nyab xeeb.


  • Txhim kho tau
  • Soft polyester strapping
  • Allows tag nrho lub zog


  • Tej zaum nyuaj kom haum
  • Non-elastic leash
  • Price

6. RYPET Me Tsiaj Harness


The RYPET me Tsiaj harness is another vest style harness is builded from breathable mesh style fabric. Nws los nrog ib tug tsis-elastic leash thiab ib tug stylish checkered hneev. Nws kuj tseem muaj qhov hnyav hnyav D-ntiv nplhaib nyob rau sab nraum lub tsho khuam uas koj tuaj yeem khi hlua khi.

Cov hlua no kim dua me ntsis ntawm qee yam ntawm cov khoom peb tau tshuaj xyuas. Cov hlua khi tau ruaj ntseg los ntawm Velcro, uas ua rau nws yooj yim rau hnav. Txawm li cas los xij, nws tsis tuaj yeem kho tau, thiab tsis muaj kev ruaj ntseg clips los tuav cov hlua kaw. Yog li ntawd, koj yuav tsum xyuas kom meej tias koj ferret tsis rub lub Velcro fasteners qhib.


  • Lub teeb thiab breathable
  • Sold D-Ring
  • Easy tso rau
  • zoo saib


  • Non-adjustable
  • Velcro fastenings xwb
  • Non-elastic leash
  • Price

7. Ware Critter Jeans Harness-N-Leash


Cov tsho khuam tsho denim no tau tsim tshwj xeeb rau cov tsiaj me xws li ferrets. Nws yog adjustable, yooj yim kom haum, thiab tuaj nrog ib tug denim leash.

Peb ib qho kev txhawj xeeb txog txoj hlua khi no yog peb tau pom ntau daim ntawv qhia tias nws tuaj yeem nyuaj me ntsis los kho lub caj dab. Qhov no yog ib yam uas koj yuav tsum tau ceev faj, zoo li yog tsis haum kom raug, cov hlua no yuav yooj yim heev rau tus ferret wriggle lawv txoj kev tawm.


  • Stylish vest type harness
  • Secure clips
  • Price


  • Txhob kho siab
  • Non-elastic leash

8. Alfie Tsiaj Kobi Harness


Alfie Tsiaj Kobi Harness yog H-hom hlua uas yog tsim los ntawm cov khoom zoo nylon. Nws yog adjustable thiab tsim kom tsis muaj kev txwv thiab tso cai rau siab tshaj plaws kev ywj pheej ntawm kev txav mus los. Cov hlua khi tuaj nrog cov hlua khi uas tsis yog elastic thiab haum nrog muag thiab ruaj ntseg yas clips.

Peb muaj qee qhov kev txhawj xeeb txog qhov loj ntawm lub caj dab voj nrog lub hlua khi no vim nws yuav tsis tuaj yeem hloov kho kom sib tw lub caj dab nqaim ntawm lub ferret. Txawm li cas los xij, nrog qee qhov kev saib xyuas, qhov no tsis zoo li yuav yog qhov teeb meem raws li, los ntawm tag nrho cov lus ceeb toom, lub ntsiab lub cev pluaj tuaj yeem hloov kho kom haum kom ruaj ntseg.


  • Build quality
  • Muaj xiav lossis liab dawb
  • Khoom yas clips


  • Price
  • Tricky to adjust
  • Non-elastic leash

9. PETCO Deluxe Ferret Harness


Qhov no yog H-hom hlua uas tsis muaj fuss uas yog tsim los ntawm zoo nylon webbing straps. Nws muaj nyob rau hauv liab, ntsuab, thiab xiav thiab los ua kom tiav nrog cov hlua khi uas tsis yog elastic.

Hom kev siv hlua khi no zoo heev rau cov ferrets. Txawm li cas los xij, tus qauv tshwj xeeb no kim thiab tsis muaj txiaj ntsig ntxiv tiag tiag uas qee tus qauv pheej yig dua peb tau qhia saum toj no.


  • Practical design
  • Build quality


  • Price
  • Non-elastic leash

10. Sandia Pet Products Ferret Harness


Qhov ferret harness los ntawm Sandia Tsiaj Khoom yog lwm yam tsis-frills H-hom hlua ua nrog nylon webbing straps. Nws muaj cov khoom yas clips, kho kom haum rau qhov me me lossis loj tshaj plaws ferret, thiab muaj lub tswb me me nyob rau sab nraub qaum.

Txawm hais tias tsis muaj dab tsi cuam tshuam txog lub sam thiaj, nws tseem yog ib txoj hlua zoo. Txawm li cas los xij, nws yog tib tus qauv uas peb tau tshuaj xyuas uas tsis tuaj nrog qee yam ntawm cov hlua khi. Qhov no yog qhov teeb meem tseem ceeb vim nws txhais tau tias koj yuav tsum tau yuav ib lub hlua khi ua ntej koj tuaj yeem siv lub sam thiaj coj koj lub ferret tawm hauv tsev.


  • Practical design
  • Plastic clips
  • Adjustable


  • Price
  • Tsis muaj hluag
  • Tsuas muaj xim dub

Buyer's Guide

Yog tias koj tsis paub tias nws yog qhov koj tab tom nrhiav, xaiv txoj hlua khi rau koj tus ferret tuaj yeem yog qhov nyuaj me ntsis. Muaj ntau pua qhov sib txawv ua thiab qauv xaiv los ntawm, ntau yam sib txawv ntawm tus nqi, zoo, thiab tsim. Txawm li cas los xij, tsuas muaj plaub hom kev siv yooj yim, txhua qhov sib txawv ntawm kev haum, kev nplij siab, kev ua tau zoo, thiab kev nyab xeeb. Cov no yog:

Cov dab tshos tseem ceeb

Qhov no yog daim ntawv yooj yim tshaj plaws ntawm cov hlua khi muaj thiab pheej yig tshaj. Cov dab tshos tuaj yeem tsim los ntawm txhua yam khoom siv, thiab feem ntau nws yooj yim heev los txuas cov hlua ncaj qha rau lawv. Txawm li cas los xij, qhov no tsis yog ib txoj hauv kev zoo los yog kev nyab xeeb rau kev siv ferret.

Cov dab tshos tuaj yeem tso siab rau koj lub caj dab ferret, uas tuaj yeem ua teeb meem vim lawv muaj tus cwj pwm dhia ntawm koj txhais tes lossis khiav thiab dhia mus rau yam. Nws yog qhov yooj yim heev rau tus ferret kom raug mob hnyav rau nws tus kheej, lossis tejzaum nws tawg lawv caj dab yog tias nws dheev khiav tawm ntawm txoj hlua khi. Li no, thaum koj xav muab lub dab tshos rau ntawm koj lub ferret, peb yuav tsis pom zoo kom muab lub dab tshos rau ib txoj hlua khi.

Tus Tsiaj Vest

Cov tsho khuam tsiaj yog ib lub tsho khuam muag muag uas plam rau ntawm koj cov ferrets rov qab thiab clips hauv qab lawv lub plab thiab hla lawv lub hauv siab. Lawv yooj yim rau hnav, xis hnav, txhawb nqa, thiab feem ntau muaj D-Ring nyob rau sab nraub qaum ntawm lub tsho khuam kom txuas mus rau ib txoj hlua khi.

Cov tsho tiv no tuaj yeem tsim ntau yam khoom sib txawv, tuaj yeem muaj ntau yam xim thiab feem ntau yog ib qho qauv zoo rau ferrets.

Single Strap 8-Shape Harness

Raws li lub npe qhia, cov hlua no yog tsim los ntawm ib txoj hlua los yog cov khoom siv pluaj, zoo li tus duab yim. Lub sam thiaj tuaj yeem haum yam tsis muaj fuss, tab sis tsis yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws tsim rau ferret, vim tias lawv tuaj yeem yooj yim wriggle tawm ntawm lawv.

H-type Harness

H hom hlua khi muaj ob lub voj loj. Ib qho uas haum ib puag ncig koj tus tsiaj lub caj dab zoo li lub dab tshos thiab lwm qhov uas qhwv ncig nws lub plab. Zoo li lub tsho khuam tsiaj, cov hlua khi no muaj D-Ring nyob qis rau sab nraub qaum ntawm lub tsho khuam uas koj tuaj yeem muab hlua khi.

Cov vests no feem ntau kho tau thiab yuav haum koj tus tsiaj snuggly. Lawv muaj kev nyab xeeb siv, thiab vim tias koj cov ferret yuav tsis tuaj yeem tawm ntawm lawv, lawv feem ntau yog qhov kev xaiv zoo dua.


Cia siab tias, cov kev tshuaj xyuas no tau muab qhov chaw meej rau koj pib thaum koj tab tom xav txog qhov zoo tshaj plaws ferret hlua rau koj tus tsiaj.

Muaj ntau yam sib txawv ua thiab qauv muaj. Txawm li cas los xij, peb cia siab tias yog tias koj xaiv ib qho ntawm cov hlua khi los ntawm cov npe saum toj kawg nkaus, koj yuav tsis yuam kev.

Pom zoo: