11 Zoo tshaj Eco-Friendly Dog txaj hauv 2023 - Xyuas & Sab saum toj Picks

Cov txheej txheem:

11 Zoo tshaj Eco-Friendly Dog txaj hauv 2023 - Xyuas & Sab saum toj Picks
11 Zoo tshaj Eco-Friendly Dog txaj hauv 2023 - Xyuas & Sab saum toj Picks

Yog tias koj yog tus tswv tus dev uas tsis yog ib qho los qhia koj lub txaj, nrhiav lub txaj zoo tshaj plaws rau koj tus tsiaj yog qhov tseem ceeb rau kev muaj tus tsiaj zoo siab. Kev nplij siab thiab qhov loj me yog cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb, nrog rau kev ua haujlwm ntev, tab sis txawm tias lub txaj dev yuav ntev npaum li cas, yuav muaj lub sijhawm uas koj xav tau ntxiv rau hauv cov thoob khib nyiab.

Yog tias koj paub txog qhov cuam tshuam koj qhov kev ua rau ib puag ncig, ces lub txaj dev hauv eco yog qhov kev xaiv zoo thiab muaj. Tebchaws Asmeskas tsim tawm 268 lab tons ntawm cov thoob khib nyiab hauv ib xyoos, thiab los ntawm kev xaiv eco-conscious, koj tuaj yeem ua si ib qho me me tab sis muaj txiaj ntsig hauv kev coj tus lej.

Zoo zoo, eco-friendly aub txaj yog muaj uas ruaj, xis, thiab txawm stylish. Cov kev tshuaj xyuas no tuaj yeem pab koj paub txog cov npe nrov thiab pab koj xaiv tus qauv zoo tshaj plaws rau koj tus menyuam dev.

11 Zoo tshaj Eco-Friendly Dog txaj

1. New Age Pet Eco-Flex Raised Dog Bed - Zoo Tshaj Plaws

Dimensions: 38.62" L x 26.46" W x 14.84" H
Materials: Polyester, stainless hlau
Vim li cas eco-friendly: Recycled polymers thiab reclaimed ntoo fibers

Peb zoo tshaj plaws eco-friendly aub yog lub stylish New Age Pet Ecoflex Raised Dog Bed. Nws ntog mus rau hauv eco-friendly qeb vim nws tshwj xeeb sib xyaw ntawm cov khoom siv polymers thiab cov ntoo fibers reclaimed. Nws cov ntsiab lus stainless-steel ua rau lub txaj ruaj khov thiab kav ntev, uas tseem yog qhov tseem ceeb hauv kev ua eco-phooj ywg. Vim tias nws tau tsa, koj tus dev lub txaj yuav zoo rau qhov cua, thiab koj tus menyuam dev yuav so tob thiab xis nyob ntawm lub ncoo ua npuas ncauj. Thaum nws yog lub sijhawm los ntxuav lub txaj, lub zippered npog yog yooj yim tshem tawm, thiab nws tuaj yeem ntxuav tes nrog xab npum hauv eco thiab kab qhuav.

Lub txaj niaj hnub no yog cov qauv tsim uas yuav xav tau qhov chaw nyob ib puag ncig hauv koj lub tsev. Lub cushion yog txav tau, tab sis lub txaj nws tus kheej tsis mus ncig.


  • Recycled polymers thiab reclaimed ntoo
  • Easy to assemble
  • Tshem tawm lub cushion npog kom yooj yim ntxuav


  • Nyob zoo
  • Tsis portable

2. Pet Life 'Eco-Paw' Reversible Dog Bed - Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws

Dimensions: 30" L x 20" W x 3" H
Materials: Polyester, mos fleece
Vim li cas eco-friendly: Recyclable filling

Tus Tsiaj Lub Neej Eco Paw dev txaj yog lub txaj zoo tagnrho uas koj thiab koj tus menyuam dev yuav nyiam, thiab nws yog peb lub txaj zoo tshaj plaws rau cov nyiaj. Nws muaj nyob rau hauv ob qhov ntau thiab tsawg thiab rau xim thiab thim rov qab. Ib sab yog ua los ntawm cov ntaub mos mos kom koj tus dev snug thaum lub caij txias, thiab sab nraud yog polyester paj rwb.

Koj tuaj yeem tso koj tus khub lub txaj rau sab hauv lossis sab nraud, thiab thaum lub sijhawm ntxuav nws, tsuas yog tso rau hauv lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws. Nws qhov tshwj xeeb hauv eco-phooj ywg yog cov khoom siv polyester rov ua dua tshiab, thiab koj yuav muaj kev thaj yeeb ntawm lub siab paub tias nws yuav tsis xaus rau hauv qhov chaw pov tseg. Koj tseem tuaj yeem rov siv cov ntaub npog rau cov ntaub los yog lev kom txo cov khib nyiab.

Qee cov neeg siv tau hais tias lub txaj nyias nyias rau lawv tus dev. Tej zaum koj yuav tau ntxiv cov pam vov ntxiv lossis siv nws ua lub txaj topper, nyob ntawm koj tus dev qhov hnyav.


  • Recyclable filling
  • Reversible
  • Machine washable
  • 2 qhov ntau thiab 6 xim muaj


Tsi nyias nyias

3. Orvis ComfortFill-Eco Couch Dog Bed - Hwm Kev Xaiv

Dimensions: 41½" L x 31½" W
Materials: Microfiber
Vim li cas eco-friendly: -

Koj tus dev yuav muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab xis nyob hauv lub txaj Orvis no ua tsaug rau nws cov bolsters uas tsim ntau qhov chaw thiab yuav tsis tawg hauv qab koj tus dev qhov hnyav. Rau kev ua haujlwm ntev, lub hau npog yog ua los ntawm plush microfiber upholstery, thiab cov txaj tau ntim nrog polyester fiberfill hu ua Comfortfill-eco, uas yog tsim los ntawm cov hwj yas rov ua dua tshiab.

Orvis thov kom khaws ntau dua 15 lab lub raj mis yas tawm ntawm qhov chaw pov tseg txhua xyoo. Yog tias koj tus dev yog ib tus neeg zom zaub mov, nws tseem ceeb heev uas yuav tsum nco ntsoov tias lub txaj no thiab nws cov ntaub ntawv tsis pheej yig.


  • Recyclable filling
  • Kev txhawb nqa thiab xis nyob
  • Yooj yim ntxuav


Nyob zoo

4. P. L. A. Y. Pet Lifestyle thiab Koj Denim Lounge txaj txaj rau dev - Zoo tshaj rau Puppies

Dimensions: 24" L x 19" W x 7" H
Materials: paj rwb
Vim li cas eco-friendly: Filled nrog recycled muab tub lim, ntim minimalist

Muab koj tus me nyuam pib qhov zoo tshaj plaws hauv kev nplij siab nrog Play Dog txaj. Nws yog stylishly thiab xyaum tsim los txhawb koj tus tsiaj, thiab nws cov npog yog breathable thiab tsis ua xua. Lub zipper tseem tsis muaj txhuas los ua kom koj tus menyuam muaj kev nyab xeeb thaum lawv pib zom! Cov npog yog tshem tau thiab ntxuav yooj yim, uas yuav ua rau lub neej yooj yim dua nrog cov menyuam dev tshiab.

Tsis yog lub txaj no zoo rau koj tus menyuam dev tshiab xwb, nws kuj zoo rau ib puag ncig. Lub ntim yog eco-phooj ywg, thiab lub filling yog ib yam khoom ua los ntawm recycled yas hwj. P. L. A. Y. yog Kub Certified los ntawm Green America's Green Business Certification program. Txawm hais tias cov khoom siv denim yog stylish thiab ruaj khov, cov neeg siv tau hais tias nws yog me ntsis ntxhib rau lawv cov dev.


  • Recycled filling
  • Zip-free zipper
  • Cover Removable
  • Hypoallergenic


Denim tej zaum yuav ntxhib heev

5. West Paw Heyday Dog Bed

Dimensions: 20.65" L x 19.03" W x 11.5" H
Materials: Microsuede, Yas, Fabric
Vim li cas eco-friendly: Filling ua los ntawm cov khoom siv rov ua dua

West Paw Heyday dev txaj yog tsim los ntawm microsuede, ua rau nws mos mos thiab xis rau koj tus dev. Nws handcrafted tsim ua rau nws portable, yooj yim los ntxuav, ruaj, thiab eco-friendly. West Paw tau cog lus los tsim cov khoom lag luam nyab xeeb thiab nyab xeeb. Lawv cov txaj thiab lwm yam khoom tsis muaj tshuaj lom, BPA-dawb, phthalate-dawb, thiab FDA-raws li txoj cai.

Cov khoom muag muag yog tsim los nrog cov eco-fibers tshwj xeeb uas ua los ntawm cov hwj yas siv dua tshiab, thiab ntxiv rau qhov kev xav hauv eco ntawm West Paw, lawv thov tias 16 lab lub raj mis yas tau khaws cia tawm ntawm qhov chaw pov tseg. Lub txaj no tsis haum rau cov chewers hnyav.


  • Recycled filling
  • Portable
  • Yooj yim ntxuav


Tsis yog rau chewers

6. Eco Sustainable Molly Mutt Dog Bed Duvet Cover

Dimensions: 27" L x 22" W x 5" H
Materials: paj rwb canvas
Vim li cas eco-friendly: Cov ntaub ntawv tuaj yeem muab ntim rau hauv tsev

No Molly Mutt Duvet Npog muab ib txoj hauv kev zoo rau koj tus dev lub txaj. Cov paj rwb canvas npog tso cai rau koj sau lub npog nrog cov khaub ncaws qub, phuam da dej, cov ntaub ntawv lossis lwm yam ntaub ntawv muag muag uas koj twb tau dag. Muab nws nrog cov khaub ncaws qub pab tuav koj cov ntxhiab kom koj tus dev nyob yooj yim thaum khaws nws tawm ntawm qhov chaw pov tseg.

Lub txaj npog muaj nyob rau hauv ntau yam ci qauv, qhov ntau thiab tsawg, thiab cov duab thiab yog tshuab thiab tshuab ziab khaub ncaws. Nws tuaj yeem tiv taus ntau lub voj voog hauv lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws yam tsis poob xim lossis cov duab. Txawm li cas los xij, lub npog tsis ruaj txaus rau chewers.


  • Yuav khoom nrog cov khoom qub
  • Yooj yim ntxuav
  • Multiple designs


Tsis haum rau chewers

7. Petwise International - Eco-Friendly Sertex Velvet Dog Bed

Dimensions: 38” L x 28” W
Materials: Sertex velvet ntaub
Vim li cas eco-friendly: -

Koj tus dev yuav zoo li muaj koob muaj npe thaum so ntawm Sertex velvet dev txaj. Cov ntaub yog eco-phooj ywg thiab ua xua resistant thiab tuaj yeem tiv taus khawb, nchuav, thiab tom. Lub hauv qab ntawm lub txaj nta cov cuab yeej siv los tiv thaiv kom tsis txhob txav mus los. Cov ntaub npuag kuj yooj yim los ntxuav thiab tuaj yeem yaug hauv dej txias.

Yog tias koj mob siab rau yuav cov khoom lag luam eco-phooj ywg, eco-friendly nta ntawm lub txaj dev no yuav tsis txaus. Cov ntaub yog eco-phooj ywg, tab sis tsis tau hais ntau txog kev sau.


  • Eco-friendly khoom
  • Yuav ntxuav tau dej txias
  • Ntxhais hauv qab


Ntau dua eco-friendly xaiv muaj nyob rau hauv kev ua lag luam

8. Harry Barker Grain Sack Rectangle Pillow Dog txaj

Dimensions: 36" L x 44" W x 5" H
Materials: paj rwb, natural fabric
Vim li cas eco-friendly: Recycled filling, ntuj dyes

Koj tus dev yuav pw tsaug zog thaum koj lub siab so, paub tias lub txaj no zoo rau hauv ntau txoj hauv kev. Lub filling yog tsim los ntawm recycled yas hwj, thiab stylish, hypoallergenic cover yog crafted nrog ntuj thiab eco-friendly dyes. Nws cov khoom siv tau ruaj khov thiab kav ntev, ua rau nws muaj kev xaiv ruaj khov.

Vim lub hau npog tau muab ntxuav ua ntej thiab ua ntej, nws yuav yooj yim rau muab tso thiab tshem tawm. Thaum nws yog lub sij hawm rau kev ntxuav, tsuas yog unzip nws thiab tso rau hauv lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws. Rau kev ua haujlwm ntev ntev, lub zipper yog qib upholstery.

Lub txaj no yog siv rau sab hauv tsev nkaus xwb, thiab yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav lub txaj sab nraum zoov, qhov no yuav tsis yog qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws.


  • Recycled filling
  • Natural, eco-friendly dyes
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Yooj yim ntxuav


Siv sab hauv tsev nkaus xwb

9. Pet Dreams Eco-Friendly Dog Crate Bed

Dimensions: 6 qhov ntau thiab tsawg
Materials: paj rwb
Vim li cas eco-friendly: Non-toxic, txo pov tseg

Ua kom muaj kev noj qab haus huv thiab kev nyab xeeb dua rau koj tus tsiaj thiab ib puag ncig. Tsiaj Npau Suav zoo siab tsis muaj tshuaj lom phthalates, PVC thiab txhuas. Tus dev crate txaj yog sau nrog ob txheej txheej high-density fiber ntau thiab hwm stitching. Nws yog thim rov qab, muab koj tus dev siv ntxiv thiab yog 100% tshuab ntxhua. Tsiaj Npau Suav yog qhov txav tau yooj yim thiab yooj yim haum rau hauv lub cev ntawm koj lub tsheb.

Lub txaj dev no tu siab tsis muaj mus rau chewers.


  • Non-toxic
  • Durable
  • ob txheej ntawm high-density fiber
  • Machine washable


Tsis yog rau chewers

10. Bdeus Orthopedic Dog txaj

Dimensions: 50" L x 36" W x 6.5" H
Materials: Microfiber
Vim li cas eco-friendly: Environmentally safe materials

No Bdeus Orthopedic aub txaj nta 6.5-nti ua npuas ncauj txhawb nqa koj tus dev nrog kev ruaj ntseg thiab kev nplij siab. Nws tseem yog crafted nrog eco-phooj ywg cov ntaub ntawv uas yog tsim kua muag-resistant rau txhim kho durability. Lub hauv qab yog nonslip los xyuas kom meej lub txaj nyob rau hauv qhov chaw, thiab lub hau yuav yooj yim ntxuav los yog tshem tawm rau lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws.

Qhov zoo tshaj plaws crafted dog txaj no yog ua los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv zoo, yog yooj yim haumxeeb, thiab yog guaranteed mus txog 5 xyoo. Thaum Bdeus hais tias lub txaj yog chew-pov thawj, ob peb tus tswv dev tau muaj lawv cov tsiaj zom hauv ib hnub.


  • Ua nrog eco-friendly cov ntaub ntawv
  • Nkauj ruam
  • High density foam support
  • Easy pom huv si


Tsis chew-proof

11. Teodty Washable Dog Bed

Dimensions: 14.13" L x 10.98" W x 7.09" H
Materials: Polypropylene
Vim li cas eco-friendly: Pov nrog eco-phooj ywg PP fiber

No Teodty Dog Bed muaj tag nrho. Nws muab kev txhawb nqa ruaj khov rau koj tus dev lub taub hau thiab lub ncauj tsev menyuam qaum thaum muab kev sib koom tes thiab cov leeg mob nyem. Koj tus dev yuav pw tsaug zog zoo ntawm no breathable, sov aub txaj uas muaj eco-friendly PP fiber. Cov ntaub yog crafted kom ruaj thiab yog tsim los ncaj qha mus rau hauv lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws. Lub txaj zoo nkauj zoo nkauj tuaj yeem siv rau hauv kennels lossis crates, ntawm nws tus kheej, lossis coj mus rau tsev neeg so, tab sis nws tsis yog rau cov chewers hnyav.


  • Eco-friendly filling
  • Versatile
  • Breathable
  • Yooj yim ntxuav


Tsis rau diggers lossis chewers

Tus Neeg Yuav Khoom Qhia: Dab Tsi Ua Dog Bed Eco-Friendly?

Lub sij hawm eco-friendly tuaj yeem sib txawv hauv lub ntsiab lus ntawm tuam txhab mus rau tuam txhab. Thaum xaiv ib lub txaj hauv eco-phooj ywg, koj yuav tsum paub tias nws yuav tsis ua tau raws li txhua qhov kev xav tau, thiab qee qhov yuav suav tias yog tus phooj ywg zoo dua li lwm tus. Nov yog ob peb yam uas yuav tsum xav txog thaum xaiv qhov kev xaiv ib puag ncig zoo.

Sustainable Materials

Cov khoom siv ruaj khov yog cov khoom siv uas tuaj yeem tsim muaj ntau yam tsis muaj peev txheej uas tsis tuaj yeem rov ua dua tshiab. Yeej, lawv tuaj yeem siv tib tus nqi uas lawv tau tsim. Cov ntaub ntawv sib txawv muaj ntau theem ntawm kev ruaj ntseg, thiab nws yuav pab tau los ua ib qho kev tshawb fawb me ntsis rau hauv cov khoom xaiv.

Recyclable Materials

Recycling yog txheej txheem uas cov ntaub ntawv raug sau thiab ua tiav kom rov siv dua hauv kev tsim cov khoom tshiab lossis cov ntaub ntawv tshiab, tsis txhob muab pov rau hauv cov thoob khib nyiab. Ntau lub tuam txhab siv cov khoom ntim rau hauv lawv lub txaj txaj dev uas yog tsim los ntawm cov fwj siv los yog yas.

Organically Loj hlob Fibers

Txhua yam uas cog qoob loo yuav tsum ua raws li cov lus qhia nruj thiab cov cai ntawm kev cog qoob loo thiab kev ua haujlwm. Organically zus fibers muaj qhov cuam tshuam rau ib puag ncig zoo dua li cov hluavtaws fibers vim tias lawv tsis siv ntau yam tshuaj thaum tsim khoom. Vim tias qee cov nroj tsuag xav tau dej ntau dua, qee qhov ntuj fibers tsis tshua muaj eco-friendly dua lwm tus.


Chemicals That Harm the Environment

Cov tuam txhab lag luam hais tias lawv lub txaj yog eco-friendly vim lawv tau tsim yam tsis siv cov tshuaj phem uas tuaj yeem cuam tshuam rau ib puag ncig. Qee cov tshuaj siv tau zoo dua qub dua li lwm tus, thiab nws tseem ceeb heev los tshawb xyuas kev siv tshuaj hauv koj cov khoom xaiv.


Yog tias koj yuav lub txaj dev uas ruaj khov, txhais tau tias nws yuav kav ntev dua, thiab koj yuav tsis tas yuav ntau lub txaj thoob plaws koj tus dev lub neej.

Yuav ua li cas xaiv lub txaj txaj txaj txaj txaj txaj muag

Ua ntej koj siv koj cov nyiaj khwv tau los ntawm lub txaj dev, ntawm no yog ob peb lub tswv yim yuav:


Qhov loj ntawm koj tus dev thiab lub txaj yuav tsum tau txiav txim siab. Yog tias koj muaj tus dev me, qhov ntawd tsis tas txhais tau tias koj tus dev yuav xav tau lub txaj me me. Yog tias nws nyiam ncab thaum pw tsaug zog, koj tus tsiaj yuav xav tau lub txaj ntev dua, lub txaj zoo li lub txaj, thaum lub canine uas nyiam ua curled yuav zoo siab dua nyob rau hauv ib lub txaj puag ncig.



Ua kom tus qauv tsim ua haujlwm, thiab yog tias nws yog ua los ntawm steel, nco ntsoov tias nws yuav tsis khoov lossis buckle yooj yim. Yog tias koj xaiv lub txaj txaj lossis lev, xav txog nws qhov ua tau ntev tom qab lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws thiab yog tias nws tuaj yeem khaws nws cov duab thiab softness.


Yog hais tias koj tus dev yog ib tug chewer los yog digger, koj xav tau lub txaj ua los ntawm cov khoom muaj zog, ruaj khov, lossis yog tias koj tus dev laus, koj yuav xav tau lub txaj uas txhawb nqa nws cov pob qij txha. Xav txog kev nyab xeeb thiab seb koj tus dev tswj nws qhov kub li cas los txiav txim siab seb cov ntaub npuag lossis cov paj rwb breathable zoo dua.


Muaj ntau lub txaj tus dev hauv eco, thiab txawm tias kev yuav khoom ib leeg yuav tsis cawm lub ntiaj teb, txhua qhov kev txiav txim siab eco pab tau. Peb lub txaj zoo tshaj plaws yog New Age Pet Eco flex Raised Dog Bed vim nws cov ntaub ntawv eco-conscious thiab kav ntev. Tus Tsiaj Lub Neej Eco Paw dev txaj yog lub txaj zoo tagnrho uas yog peb qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws rau cov nyiaj. Peb vam tias cov kev tshuaj xyuas no tau coj koj los txiav txim siab zoo ib puag ncig zoo rau koj thiab koj tus dev.

Pom zoo: