Puas pub dev rau ntawm Governors Island? 2023 Hloov tshiab

Cov txheej txheem:

Puas pub dev rau ntawm Governors Island? 2023 Hloov tshiab
Puas pub dev rau ntawm Governors Island? 2023 Hloov tshiab

Yog tias koj mus xyuas New York City thiab tab tom nrhiav tej yam ua rau koj tus menyuam dev, tej zaum koj yuav xav tsis thoob yog tias dev tso cai rau Governors Island. Txoj xov zoo yog tias yog, cov dev coj zoo tau txais tos ntawm Governors Island, tab sis tsuas yog Hnub So Lub Caij Nplooj Ntoos Hlav, tshwj tsis yog cov dev pabcuam, uas tau tso cai txhua lub sijhawm1Cov kob yog qhov chaw zoo rau koj thiab koj tus menyuam mus tshawb ua ke, nrog ntau yam kev ua ub no, kev nyiam, thiab kev zoo nkauj. Txhawm rau kom ntseeg tau tias txhua tus neeg tuaj saib muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab kev lom zem thaum mus xyuas cov kob nrog lawv tus dev, muaj qee yam kev cai thiab kev cai uas yuav tsum tau ua. Hauv tsab xov xwm no, peb yuav muab cov ntsiab lus ntawm cov kev txwv no kom koj tuaj yeem npaj ua ntej rau hnub lom zem nrog Fido!

Hnub so lub caij ntuj no yog dab tsi?

Hnub So Lub Caij Nplooj Ntoos Hlav yog ib lub caij nyoog uas cov dev raug tso cai tuaj rau Governors Island rau hnub Saturday thiab hnub Sunday thaum lub caij ntuj no thiab txog rau lub Plaub Hlis 30. Tom qab lub Plaub Hlis 30, tsuas yog tso cai rau cov dev hauv Governors Island. Cov dev raug tso cai tuaj rau ntawm cov kob ntawm lub ferry mus txog 3 teev tsaus ntuj. thiab tuaj yeem nyob kom txog thaum cov kob kaw. Tom qab 3 teev tsaus ntuj. tsis pub dev tuaj rau Governors Island. Lub koog pov txwv qhib thaum 10 teev sawv ntxov txog 5 teev tsaus ntuj. nyob rau lub caij ntuj no.


Dog Txoj Cai thiab Cov Cai rau Governors Island

Thaum nqa tus tsiaj mus rau Governors Island thaum lub caij ntuj no lub caij ntuj no Dog Hnub, koj yuav tsum ua raws li cov lus qhia nram no:

  • Dab yuav tsum nyob twj ywm ntawm txoj hlua khi txhua lub sijhawm (qhov ntev tshaj plaws ntawm 6 feet).
  • Dab tsis pub nyob rau hauv ib lub tsev, tsuas yog nyob rau hauv cov chaw uas tus tsiaj nyiam.
  • Dab yuav tsum nyob rau hauv kev tswj los ntawm lawv tus tswv txhua lub sijhawm. Tsis pub barking ntau dhau, khiav tawm, lossis tus cwj pwm nruj heev.
  • Cov tswv muaj lub luag haujlwm tu tom qab lawv cov dev thiab muab pov tseg kom zoo.

Dog-Friendly Attractions and Activities on Governors Island

Ntawm Governors Island, koj thiab koj tus menyuam tuaj yeem txaus siab rau hnub lom zem puv hnub! Nrog me ntsis ntawm kev npaj thiab kev npaj, koj tuaj yeem ua kom koj qhov kev mus ntsib muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab zoo siab rau koj ob leeg. Tsis txhob hnov qab mus saib tag nrho cov kev ua ub no thiab kev lom zem uas Governors Island muaj rau - muaj qee yam rau txhua tus nyiam! Nov yog qee cov tswv yim:

  • Taug kev ncig lub koog pov txwv txoj kev taug kev thiab qhuas qhov kev pom zoo nkauj ntawm Manhattan thiab Brooklyn skylines.
  • Tshawb nrhiav Fort Jay, lub tsev qub tshaj plaws ntawm Governors Island thiab lub tsev rau qee qhov keeb kwm txaus nyiam.
  • Cia koj tus menyuam yaus khiav ncig cov nyom hauv Liggett Hall thiab so ntawm ib lub rooj zaum muaj.
  • Mus ntsib Picnic Point thiab txaus siab rau noj su noj hmo nrog koj tus menyuam - nco ntsoov nqa qee yam khoom noj rau Fido ib yam nkaus!
  • Saib Clam Cove, thaj chaw uas muaj cov dev tuaj yeem tshawb xyuas yam tsis muaj kev txhawj xeeb txog kev txwv txoj hlua khi.
  • Koom nrog ib qho ntawm cov xwm txheej tshwj xeeb uas muaj nyob rau ntawm Governors Island, xws li cov chav kawm yoga lossis kev ua koob tsheej.

Tips and Tricks For Enjoying Your Day Out with Fido

Ntawm no yog ob peb lub tswv yim kom ua tau ntau tshaj plaws ntawm koj lub hnub ntawm Governors Island:

  • Nqa dej thiab khoom noj txom ncauj kom koj tus menyuam mos muaj dej thiab muaj zog txhua hnub.
  • Nco ntsoov xyuas huab cua ua ntej koj mus.
  • Nqa cov khoom pab thawj zaug rau koj tus menyuam thaum muaj kev raug mob me los yog khawb.
  • Tsis txhob siv koj tus tsiaj ntau dhau - so ntau zaus thiab saib xyuas cov tsos mob ntawm kev qaug zog lossis hypothermia.
  • Thaum kawg, nco ntsoov nqa hnab los ntxuav tom qab koj tus menyuam! Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb kom Governors Island huv si thiab huv si rau txhua tus.

Cov Lus Nug Nquag Txog Cov dev ntawm Governors Island

Lub sijhawm qhib ntawm Governors Island yog dab tsi?

Cov kob qhib thaum 10 teev sawv ntxov txog 6 teev tsaus ntuj. thaum lub caij ntuj sov, thiab los ntawm 10 teev sawv ntxov txog 5 teev tsaus ntuj. nyob rau lub caij ntuj no.

Puas muaj qhov chaw uas kuv tuaj yeem tau txais kuv tus aub tawm?

Tsis yog, txhua tus dev yuav tsum nyob hauv txoj hlua khi txhua lub sijhawm thaum mus ntsib Governors Island. Muaj ib qho chaw nyob hauv Clam Cove uas cov dev tuaj yeem tshawb xyuas dawb yam tsis muaj kev txhawj xeeb txog kev txwv txoj hlua khi.

Puas muaj chaw noj mov nrog kuv tus menyuam?

Yog - qee lub tsev noj mov thiab cafes muaj cov chaw zaum rau tsiaj, yog li koj tuaj yeem rub tom noj nrog koj tus menyuam dev.


Puas muaj tej thaj chaw los ntxuav tom qab kuv tus menyuam?

Yog lawm, thoob plaws hauv cov kob koj yuav pom cov hnab pov tseg dev thiab cov khib nyiab pov tseg. Thov nco ntsoov ntxuav tom qab koj tus menyuam!

Puas muaj tej kev ua ub no rau tus tsiaj hauv Governors Island?

Yog - koj thiab koj tus menyuam tuaj yeem mus taug kev, tshawb txog Fort Jay, lossis tseem koom nrog chav kawm yoga ua ke.

Kuv yuav ua li cas yog kuv xav tau kev pab ntawm cov kob?

Tseem muaj cov neeg ua haujlwm thiab cov neeg ua haujlwm pab dawb ntawm cov kob uas yuav pab tau koj. Tsuas yog nrhiav ib tus neeg hnav lub tsho liab Governor's Island T-shirt!


Nkauj Qhuas Vajtswv Island nrog koj tus menyuam dev yog qhov kev paub zoo kawg nkaus rau koj ob leeg! Nrog ntau cov kev nyiam, kev ua ub no, thiab kev zoo nkauj ntuj los tshawb nrhiav ua ke, nws yog qhov chaw zoo tshaj plaws rau ib hnub. Nco ntsoov ua raws li cov cai thiab cov cai rau cov tsiaj hauv Governors Island yog tias koj npaj yuav nqa koj tus pooch nrog, thiab nco ntsoov ua raws li peb cov lus qhia saib xyuas tom qab kom koj tus menyuam muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab xis nyob. Txaus siab rau kev tshawb nrhiav!

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