10 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws Blacklights rau Kev Tshawb Fawb Cov Tsiaj Deg - 2023 Kev Ntsuam Xyuas & Sab saum toj xaiv

Cov txheej txheem:

10 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws Blacklights rau Kev Tshawb Fawb Cov Tsiaj Deg - 2023 Kev Ntsuam Xyuas & Sab saum toj xaiv
10 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws Blacklights rau Kev Tshawb Fawb Cov Tsiaj Deg - 2023 Kev Ntsuam Xyuas & Sab saum toj xaiv

Yog tias koj yog tus tswv dev, qhov txawv yog koj tus phooj ywg canine tau muaj xwm txheej hauv tsev ntawm ib qho lossis lwm qhov. Yog tias koj tsis nyob hauv tsev thaum lub sijhawm ua txhaum cai tshwm sim, koj yuav tsis muaj lub tswv yim tias muaj ib lub pas dej ntawm tus dev tso rau hauv koj cov ntaub pua plag lossis txaj. Tab sis yuav ua li cas koj thiaj li pom cov quav zis qub qub?

Leej hmoo, UV blacklights tuaj yeem ntes cov qub dev cov zis stains kom koj thiaj li nrhiav tau lawv los ntxuav lawv. Hauv phau ntawv qhia no, peb yuav mus dhau peb lub kaum sab saum toj xaiv rau lub teeb pom kev zoo tshaj plaws rau cov dev. Peb yuav tshuaj xyuas txhua tus kom koj tuaj yeem txiav txim siab paub meej uas yuav haum rau koj cov kev xav tau.

The 10 Best Blacklights for Dog tso zis

1. Vansky UV Flashlight Blacklight rau dev tso zis - Zoo tshaj plaws

Wavelength: 390-395nm
Material: Aluminium
Batteries: 3 AA (tsis suav)

Vansky UV Teeb Blacklight qhia ntau tshaj li tus dev tso zis; nws kuj nthuav tawm cov khoom noj stains ntawm cov ntaub pua plag thiab rooj tog, thiab nws pom scorpions. Nws muaj 51 LED teeb uas yuav kav ntev txog 15 xyoo, thiab tsuas yog siv peb lub roj teeb AA (tsis suav nrog). Cov qauv tsim compact yog yooj yim nqa thiab yuav haum rau hauv koj lub hnab tshos, thiab nws tuaj yeem ntes cov txiaj ntsig cuav.

Nws yog ua los ntawm txhuas alloy, thiab lub sij hawm khiav yog 4 mus rau 6 teev nrog tag nrho cov roj teeb. Cov nanometers khiav ntawm 390 mus rau 395, ua rau nws zoo meej rau kev kuaj dev cov zis stains, thiab nws los nrog 1 xyoo warranty.

Nws tsis ntes miv tso zis, yog li yog tias koj muaj ib tug kitty, nrhiav lub teeb UV nrog nanometer ntawm 365 txog 385 rau miv tso zis.

Lub teeb UV no yuav khaws cov stains qhuav. Nco ntsoov tias yog tias cov stain tseem tshiab thiab ntub dej, UV teeb yuav tsis tuaj. Lub teeb no tseem yuav khaws txhua yam, yog li nws yuav nyuaj rau kev sib txawv dev cov zis los ntawm lwm yam. Txawm li cas los xij, xijpeem nws khaws, koj tuaj yeem ntxuav, ua rau peb lub teeb pom kev zoo tshaj plaws rau cov dev tso zis, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog rau tus nqi.


  • 51 LED teeb
  • Nyob mus txog 15 xyoo
  • Compact design
  • 1-xyoo warranty
  • Nyob zoo


  • Tsis pom miv tso zis
  • Tsuas ua haujlwm rau cov stains qhuav
  • Tej zaum yuav nyuaj rau qhov sib txawv ntawm cov zis stains dev thiab lwm yam stains

2. LE Black Light Flashlight Rau dev tso zis - Tus nqi zoo tshaj

Wavelength: 395nm
Material: Aluminium
Batteries: 3 AAA (nrog)

Lub LE Black Light Flashlight muaj lub wavelength ntawm 395 nanometers thiab ua haujlwm zoo rau kev kuaj tus dev tso zis. Lub teeb ruaj khov no yog ua los ntawm txhuas muaj zog, thiab nws tsis muaj dej tsis zoo. Lub teeb no ntsuas 3.7 ntiv tes ntev thiab 1.1 ntiv tes hauv qhov dav, ua rau nws lub teeb pom kev zoo meej rau hauv koj lub hnab ris, thiab nws muaj qhov tuav tsis tau.

Lub teeb no muaj ntau yam siv, xws li kuaj xyuas cov khoom noj, kev txheeb xyuas cov txiaj ntsig, kuaj xyuas kev huv hauv tsev so, thiab kuaj cov kab mob sab nraum zoov. Nws yuav tsum muaj peb lub roj teeb AAA uas suav nrog, thiab nws tuaj nrog 1-xyoo lav.

Nws tuaj nrog roj teeb, tab sis lawv tuaj yeem tuag. Nws tseem muaj 9 lub teeb ci LED nkaus xwb, ua rau nws nyuaj rau pom cov stains los ntawm qhov deb. Txawm li cas los xij, rau tus nqi tsim nyog thiab me me, compact tsim, lub teeb no yog peb xaiv qhov zoo tshaj plaws blacklight rau dev tso zis rau cov nyiaj.


  • Durable
  • Small, compact design
  • Ntxhais khaus
  • Waterproof
  • 1-xyoo warranty


  • Batteries tuaj txog tuag
  • Tsuas muaj 9 LED teeb

3. uvBeast V2 Blacklight Rau dev tso zis - hwm xaiv

Wavelength: 385-395nm
Material: Aluminium
Batteries: 6 AA (tsis suav)

The uvBeast V2 Blacklight is just that-ib tsiaj nyaum. Lub teeb hloov kho tshiab no muab rau koj ntau dua rau koj cov nyiaj npib thiab teeb pom kev mus txog 30 ntxiv ko taw deb. Nws muaj qhov zoo tshaj plaws wavelength ntau yam rau kev kuaj dev tso zis, thiab nws muaj ib tug dej nyab hom beam. Cov dab ntawm lub teeb nyem UV no yog tsim los ntawm cov kws tshawb fawb thiab cov kws tshaj lij los tsim cov mak txiv ntawm txhua lub teeb UV, yog li yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav lub teeb taws loj UV thiab teeb dub, qhov no yog rau koj.

Lub teeb no yog kim heev rau lub teeb UV dub, thiab nws zoo li koj yuav tsis xav tau lub zog ntau los kuaj cov zis tso zis. Txawm li cas los xij, yog tias koj siv sijhawm ntau mus pw hav zoov lossis tsuas yog sab nraum zoov, lub teeb no tuaj yeem muab 18 watts rau koj lub zog.

Nws xav tau 6 lub roj teeb AA, thiab qee cov neeg siv khoom hais tias lub teeb tsis dim.


  • Illuminates 30 plus feet
  • Flood-type beam
  • 18 watts zog


  • Kim
  • Lub teeb yuav dim
  • Yuav tsum muaj 6 lub roj teeb AA

4. GearLight UV Blacklight Flashlight XR98

Wavelength: 390nm
Material: Aluminium
Batteries: 6 AA (tsis suav)

The GearLight UV Blacklight Flashlight XR98 muaj 100 LED teeb kom pom qhov loj thiab ci dua; Ntxiv rau, koj tsis tas yuav nyob hauv chav tsaus ntuj kom pom cov stains. Lub teeb no boasts ib tug tag nrho-loj, ruaj tsim los ntawm tub rog-qib txhuas nrog ib tug kov ua hauj lwm. Nws ua haujlwm zoo rau kev kuaj dev cov zis stains, nrog rau lwm cov stains qhuav. Siv nws hauv cov chav tsev so lossis sab nraum zoov kom pom cov scorpions thiab lwm yam kab.

Lub teeb no muaj zog thiab yuav qhia tau txhua yam, ua rau qee zaum nyuaj rau qhia seb tus stain yog dev tso zis lossis lwm yam. Nws tseem xav tau 6 AA roj teeb ua haujlwm. Lub pob khawm nyob rau ntawm qhov kawg ntawm lub hau ntsia hlau qhov twg cov roj teeb mus es tsis txhob kov, uas qee cov neeg nyiam lub khawm nyob rau sab.


  • Muaj 100 LED teeb
  • Tsis tas yuav siv chav tsaus nti
  • One-touch operation


  • Nyob sib txawv stains los ntawm cov zis stains dev
  • Yuav tsum muaj 6 lub roj teeb AA
  • Ntawm khawm yog kawg ntawm tus kov

5. Kobra Black Light Flashlight Rau dev tso zis

Wavelength: 385 to 395 nm
Material: Aluminium
Batteries: 6 AA (tsis suav)

Lub Kobra Dub Lub Teeb Teeb yog lub teeb muaj zog thiab ruaj khov UV nrog 100 LED qhov muag teev uas muab 100,000 teev ntawm lub teeb lub neej. Lub teeb tuaj yeem tswj kev poob siab yog tias poob, thiab nws hnyav li 1-phaus. Nws ntsuas 7.2 ntiv tes ntev, thiab lub taub hau yog 3-nti dav, uas muab ntau lub teeb pom kev zoo.

Lub teeb no muaj zog txaus rau kev siv, thiab nws ua haujlwm zoo sab nraum zoov, thiab. Nws tsis yog hnyav li lwm lub teeb ntawm peb daim ntawv teev npe, tab sis nws ua haujlwm zoo ua kom pom cov stains. Nws xav tau 6 lub roj teeb AA, thiab cov roj teeb feem ntau xav tau hloov, uas yog qhov tsis zoo.


  • Zoo thiab ruaj khov
  • Muaj 100 LED qhov muag teev
  • Wide range of illumination


  • Yuav tsum muaj 6 lub roj teeb AA
  • Khau roj teeb ntau zaus
  • Ntau dua lwm lub teeb UV

6. GLOSSDAY Blacklight Rau dev tso zis

Wavelength: 395nm
Material: Aluminium
Batteries: 6 AA (tsis suav)

Yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav lub teeb UV nrog ntau lub teeb LED, GLOSSDAY blacklight tej zaum yuav yog qhov kev xaiv zoo. Nws muaj 128 LED qhov muag teev kom dav dav thiab muaj zog aluminium alloy lub cev rau kev ua haujlwm ntev. Lub teeb qib kev tshaj lij no tso tawm 18 watts ntawm lub zog thiab yuav taw qhia cov tsos mob ntawm tus dev, cov kua dej hauv lub cev, thiab cov roj stains. Tau kawg, yog tias koj xav siv nws sab nraum zoov, nws yuav pom scorpions thiab lwm yam kab thiab kab.

Nws nta kev tuav pov hwm thiab 1 xyoo nyiaj rov qab lav. Nws yog dej tsis qab thiab muaj 100,000 teev ntawm lub teeb lub neej.

Yog tias koj muaj menyuam miv hauv koj lub neej, lub teeb UV no yuav tsis ntes miv cov zis. Thaum lub wavelength yog 395 nanometers, nws yuav tsis ci txaus rau illuminates tag nrho cov stains. Nws kuj yog me ntsis pricey.


  • Muaj 128 LED qhov muag teev
  • Zoo thiab ruaj khov
  • Anti-slip tuav
  • 1-xyoo lav nyiaj rov qab


  • Tsis pom miv tso zis
  • Could be me ntsis brighter
  • Kim

7. Escolite UV teeb nyem Blacklight

Wavelength: 390-395nm
Material: Metal
Batteries: 3 AA (tsis suav)

Yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav ib lub teeb me me thiab ntau dua UV teeb, Escolite UV Flashlight Blacklight yuav haum rau koj cov kev xav tau. Nws muaj 51 LED qhov muag teev thiab muaj qhov loj me me. Tus nqi yog tsim nyog rau kev kuaj dev cov zis stains, thiab nws nta ib tug anti-slip tuav.

Lub teeb no yuav ua txhua yam lwm yam UV teeb yuav ua, tab sis nws tsis muaj ntau npaum li LED qhov muag teev raws li lwm tus hauv peb daim ntawv teev npe. Koj tseem yuav tau ua kom lub chav tsaus nti li koj tuaj yeem pom cov stains. Txawm li cas los xij, nws ua haujlwm zoo rau qhov koj xav tau nws ua rau tus nqi.


  • Nyob zoo
  • Anti-slip tuav
  • Small and compact design


  • Tsuas muaj 51 Led qhov muag teev
  • Xav tau chav tsaus kom pom stains

8. LOFTEK UV Teeb Dub Lub Teeb Rau Dog Tso zis

Wavelength: 395nm
Material: Aluminium
Batteries: 3 AA (tsis suav)

Lub LOFTEK UV Teeb Liab Teeb yog lub teeb pom kev zoo thiab ruaj khov uas ntsuas 5.91-nti ntev thiab 2.17-nti dav. Nws yog waterproof nrog ib tug anti-plam tuav thiab 51 LED qhov muag teev. Nws ua haujlwm zoo rau kev kuaj tus dev tso zis, scorpions, kab txaj, worms, xau, thiab kev lees paub txiaj.

Lub lanyard haum yooj yim nyob ib ncig ntawm lub dab teg lossis siv, thiab nws tsuas siv 3 AA roj teeb. Txawm li cas los xij, nws tsis ua haujlwm kom pom cov zis miv. Koj yuav xav kom chav tsaus tsaus ua ntej siv lub teeb dub no kom nws pom cov stains lossis txawm tias koj tab tom nrhiav.

Nws tsis pom zoo kom siv cov roj teeb rechargeable vim lawv yuav ua rau lub teeb luv luv.


  • 51 LED qhov muag teev
  • Portable thiab check
  • Waterproof
  • Anti-slip tuav


  • Tsis pom miv tso zis
  • Xav tau chav tsaus kom pom stains
  • Tsis tuaj yeem siv cov roj teeb rov qab

9. DARKBEAM USB Rechargeable UV Teeb

Wavelength: 395nm
Material: Aluminium

DARKBEAM USB Rechargeable UV Teeb yog qhov kev xaiv zoo kom tsis txhob yuav cov roj teeb tas li. Lub teeb txawb no tsuas muaj 5 watts xwb, thiab nws tsis ci li lwm lub teeb UV ntawm peb daim ntawv teev npe, tab sis nws ua haujlwm zoo rau kev kuaj tus dev tso zis. Yog tias koj tsuas yog nrhiav UV rau lub hom phiaj tshwj xeeb, lub teeb me me no tuaj yeem yog daim pib xwb.

Lub teeb nyem UV no yog lub teeb yuag thiab yooj yim haum rau hauv koj lub hnab los yog lub hnab ev ntawv. Lub teeb no kuj muaj qhov zoom hauv / tawm uas tso cai rau koj kom nthuav dav lossis luv lub teeb ntau. Rau qhov me me, nws kuj ceeb tias muaj zog, ruaj khov, thiab ua los ntawm aluminium alloy.

Ib qhov tsis zoo yog lub teeb tsis nyob rau lub sijhawm ntev, tab sis nrog nws qhov me me thiab tus nqi pheej yig, nws yuav tsum ua haujlwm rau nws lub hom phiaj ua tus dev tso zis stain detector.


  • Rechargeable
  • Nyob zoo
  • Strong, check, thiab portable
  • Zoom in/out feature


  • Tsuas 5 watts
  • Tsis tau them nyiaj ntev

10. MIU COLOR Blacklight UV teeb nyem

Wavelength: 395nm
Material: Aluminium
Batteries: 3 AA (tsis suav)

Lub MIU COLOR Blacklight UV teeb muaj 21 LED qhov muag teev nrog lub wavelength ntawm 395 nm. Cov qij muaj ntau tshaj 100,000-teev lifespan, thiab nws yog me me thiab compact. Tej zaum nws yuav tsis yog qhov ci ntsa iab, tab sis rau tus nqi, nws yuav tsum ua haujlwm zoo rau koj txhawm rau txhawm rau kuaj tus dev tso zis.

Tsis tsuas yog lub teeb UV me me no pheej yig xwb, tab sis koj tseem yuav tau txais 6 phau ntawv dawb e-phau ntawv txog kev cob qhia thiab tu koj cov tsiaj.

Lub teeb UV no tsis pom cov zis miv, yog li saib mus rau lwm qhov yog tias koj muaj kitty hauv tsev.


  • 385nm
  • 100,000-teev lifespan
  • Comes with 6 free e-books
  • Inexpensive
  • Small and compact


  • Tsis kaj siab
  • Tsis ua haujlwm rau miv tso zis

Tus Neeg Yuav Qhia: Nrhiav Lub Teeb Pom Kev Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau Dog Tso zis

Thaum nrhiav lub teeb pom kev zoo tshaj plaws rau cov dev, ntawm no yog ob peb yam los xav txog.



Koj yuav xav xav txog yog tias koj xav tau lub teeb me me, compact UV lossis loj dua, muaj kev tshaj lij UV teeb. Yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav yuav lub teeb UV tsuas yog rau dev tso zis, lub teeb me me yuav ua haujlwm zoo xwb.


Thaum nws los txog rau LED qhov muag teev, txoj cai ntawm tus ntiv tes xoo yog qhov ntau, qhov zoo dua. Yog tias koj xav tau super ci, mus nrog tsawg kawg 51 qhov muag teev LED lossis siab dua.

Tiv thaiv Koj Qhov Muag

Koj tsis tas yuav tsum hnav tsom iav kev nyab xeeb thaum siv lub teeb UV; Txawm li cas los xij, nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb kom tsis txhob ci lub teeb ncaj qha rau hauv koj lub qhov muag lossis lwm tus lub qhov muag vim nws tuaj yeem ua rau qhov muag puas.



Thaum nrhiav dev tso zis, koj yuav xav mus nrog ib tug nanometer ntau ntawm 385 nm rau 395 nm. Txawm li cas los xij, yog tias koj muaj miv, qhov no yuav tsis ua haujlwm rau kev nrhiav miv tso zis. Yog tias koj muaj miv, koj yuav xav lo nrog 365 nm rau 385 nanometers.


Vansky UV Flashlight Blacklight muaj zog, compact, pheej yig, thiab tuaj nrog 1-xyoo lav rau qhov zoo tshaj plaws UV teeb nyem. Lub LE Dub Lub Teeb yog peb xaiv rau tus nqi zoo tshaj nrog nws ntau yam, durability, thiab tus nqi pheej yig.

Peb cia siab tias koj yuav tau txaus siab rau peb cov kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws blacklights rau dev tso zis. Yog tias tsab xov xwm no pab tau koj, thov qhia cov ntaub ntawv no rau koj tsev neeg thiab cov phooj ywg kom lawv, ib yam nkaus, tuaj yeem kuaj pom cov zis tso zis.

Pom zoo: