500+ German Dog Names With Meanings A–Z: Txiv neej & Poj niam tswv yim

Cov txheej txheem:

500+ German Dog Names With Meanings A–Z: Txiv neej & Poj niam tswv yim
500+ German Dog Names With Meanings A–Z: Txiv neej & Poj niam tswv yim

Koj tsis tas yuav muaj tus dev German zoo li German Shepherd lossis German Spaniel xaiv lub npe nrog keeb kwm German. Muaj ntau cov cim nto moo thiab cov neeg German lub neej tiag tiag los xaiv cov npe, thiab cov lus German qiv nws tus kheej tshwj xeeb tshaj yog rau cov npe dev. Yog li yog tias koj tau ua npau suav ntawm kev tis npe rau koj tus dev Jäeger lossis Gretel, koj nyob hauv qhov yog!

Peb tau sau tag nrho cov npe dev German zoo tshaj plaws, suav nrog ntau dua 500 tus poj niam thiab txiv neej xaiv. Peb kuj tau sau qee cov npe menyuam dev German zoo tshaj plaws nrog lub ntsiab lus kom koj tuaj yeem ua rau koj cov phooj ywg zoo siab nrog cov npe txias tshaj plaws. Npaj txhij los nrhiav cov npe German zoo tshaj plaws rau cov menyuam dev thiab menyuam dev!

Ntshai / Poj Niam German Dog Npe:


Puas yog koj tab tom nrhiav rau lub npe zoo tshaj plaws German ntxhais rau dev? Peb muaj lawv tag nrho! Mus nyeem ntawv kom pom lub npe tawv, lom zem, lossis lub npe zoo rau koj cov plaub hau.

  • Ada (Daim ntawv ntawm Adelaide)
  • Ada (Noble, Kid)
  • Adalia (Vajtswv Yog Kuv Qhov Chaw Nyob)
  • Adalia (Noble)
  • Adela (Noble, Serene)
  • Adelaide (Noble, Serene)
  • Adele (Saib Adelaide)
  • Adelle (Noble, Serene)
  • Adi (Noble, Kid)
  • Adie (Saib Adi)
  • Alice (Noble, Tseeb)
  • Alisha (Ntawm Zoo heev)
  • Alison (Nyob Noble Birth)
  • Allison (Saib Alison)
  • Alyson (Saib Alison)
  • Allyson (Ntawm Noble Birth)
  • Adalgisa (Noble Hostage)
  • Adelaide (Noble, Serene)
  • Adelina (Noble)
  • Adelle (Daim ntawv ntawm Adelaide)
  • Arnwlle (As Strong as Eagle)
  • Amara (Hlub, Nyob Mus Ib Txhis, Immortal)
  • Amelia (Kev lag luam)
  • Analiese (Nyob zoo, muab fij rau Vajtswv)
  • Analiese (Saib Analise)
  • Analise (Saib Analise)
  • Annalise (Saib Analise)
  • Annelies (Saib Analiese)
  • Annelise (Saib Analise)
  • Anamchara (Nkauj ntseeg)
  • Andrea (Courage, Valor)
  • Anette (Variation of Anne)
  • Angela (Zoo li Angelus lossis Angel)
  • Angelika (Zoo li Angelica)
  • Anke (Form of Anne)
  • Annette (Form of Anne)
  • Antje (Grace)
  • Arabelle (Zoo nkauj Eagle)
  • Ava (Bird)
  • Aubrey (Noble)
  • Axel/Axl (Source of All Life)
  • Carolyn (Melody, Nkauj)
  • Chloris (Paj)
  • Christa (Form of Christina)
  • Cecancia (Free)
  • Charlie (Charles, Charlotte)
  • Claudia (Variation of Claudius)
  • Dagmar (Zoo Siab Hnub)
  • Dagmar (Kev xyiv fab)
  • Dame (Lady)
  • Dresden (German City)
  • Dustin (Valiant Fighter)
  • Delia (Daim ntawv ntawm Adelaide)
  • Ella (Beautiful Fairy)
  • Ebba (lub zog)
  • Edwina (Tus phooj ywg vam meej)
  • Elga (Daim ntawv ntawm Helga)
  • Elke (Form of Alice)
  • Elsa (Noble)
  • Elsbeth (Vajtswv Oath)
  • Edelweiss (Snow, Dawb)
  • Elvira (Closed Up)
  • Emily (Industious)
  • Frederika (Peaceful Ruler, Poj huab tais)
  • Frida / Frieda (Dove, Joy, Peace)
  • Fritzi (Lub npe tsiaj rau Friederike)
  • Frederica (Peaceful Ruler)
  • Frieda (Peaceful)
  • Gabi (Hero of God)
  • Gretchen (Pearl)
  • Greta (Pearl)
  • Greta (Form of Gretchen)
  • Gisa (Lus rau Giselle)
  • Grau (Grey)
  • Greta (Variation of Margaret)
  • Gretchen (Little Pearl)
  • Gretel (Pet Name for Grete)
  • Grizelda (Maiden of Iron)
  • Grizelda (Iron-Like)
  • Galiana (Supreme One)
  • Genevieve (Form Of Guinevere)
  • Gerda (Kev Tiv Thaiv)
  • Gertrude (Tus Hlub Warrior)
  • Giselle (Pledge)
  • Hedwig (Refuge in Battle)
  • Heide (Noble)
  • Heidi (Noble & Kind)
  • Helge (Ib tug Vajtswv)
  • Helga (Pious)
  • Henrietta (Tus kav tsev)
  • Hertha (German Form of Nerthus)
  • Hexe (Witch)
  • Hexi (Saib Hexe)
  • Hildegard (Sib ntaus sib tua)
  • Hulda (Sweet, Loveable)
  • Ida (Hlub Ua Haujlwm)
  • Idonia (Kev lag luam)
  • Imelda (Warrior)
  • Ilsa (Variation of Elizabeth)
  • Ilsa (Vajtswv Yog Kuv Oath)
  • Imke (Tag nrho, Whole)
  • Ilse (Saib Ilsa)
  • Ima (Saib Imke)
  • Imma (Saib Ima)
  • Irma (ntev ntawm Irm, Tag Nrho, Tag Nrho)
  • Irmalinda' (Tag Nrho, Mos, Tender, Tag Nrho Siab)
  • Irmgard (Kev Tiv Thaiv Tag Nrho)
  • Ishild (Ice Battle)
  • Isold (Saib Ishild)
  • Ivonette (Yeeb Tsob Ntoo)
  • Ivonne (Saib Ivonette)
  • Jarvia (Spear-Keen)
  • Jenell (Kev Paub thiab Kev Nkag Siab)
  • Jannike (Vajtswv siab zoo)
  • Jannike (Saib Jannike)
  • Juliane (Descended los ntawm Jupiter, Jove)
  • Jutta (Jewess or Praised)
  • Jutte (Saib Jutta)
  • Karla (Hlub, Poj Niam)
  • Kristel (German rau Christine)
  • Katarine (Saib Katrina)
  • Kätharina (Saib Katarine)
  • Käthe (Tus Tsiaj ntawm Lub Tebchaws Yelemees “Kätharina”)
  • Kathrin (Nyob zoo & Ntshiab)
  • Katinka (Saib Kathrin)
  • Kerstin (Cov Ntseeg lossis Cov Ntseeg Yexus)
  • Kristen (Saib Kerstin)
  • Kinge (Brave War)
  • Kirsa (Cherry)
  • Klara (Ntshiab, Ci)
  • Klothilda (Famous Battle Maid)
  • Kreszentia (Rau Caij Nplooj Ntoos Hlav, Loj Hlob, vam meej)
  • Kreszenz (Saib Kreszentia)
  • Kriemhild (Battle Mask)
  • Kriemhilde (Variant Spelling of Kriemhild)
  • Krimhilde (Variant Spelling of Kriemhild)
  • Kunibert (Brave & ci)
  • Kunigunde (Brave War)
  • Liebe (Hlub)
  • Leona (Brave as a Lioness)
  • Leopolda (Bold Leader)
  • Leonore (Ntawv Teb, Lwm Tus)
  • Lene (Tswb)
  • Leni (Saib Lene)
  • Leni (Little Angel)
  • Leyna (Little Angel)
  • Liese (Vajtswv Hlub)
  • Lies (Vajtswv Yog Kuv Oath)
  • Liesa (Saib Lene)
  • Liese (Pet form of German txhais tau tias Vajtswv Yog Kuv Oath)
  • Liesel (Saib Liese)
  • Lieselotte (Vajtswv Yog Kuv Cov Lus Cog)
  • Lili (Pet form of German txhais tau tias Vajtswv Yog Kuv Oath)
  • Lilo (Saib Lili)
  • Lora (Laurel)
  • Lore (Saib Lora)
  • Loreley (Ntshai pob zeb)
  • Lorelei (Txhob Cia Siab)
  • Lotte (Short of Liselotte, God Is My Oath)
  • Lotti (Tus Poj Niam)
  • Louis (Famous Warrior)
  • Louis (Warrior Maiden)
  • Luann (Graceful Warrior)
  • Lutgard (Spear)
  • Lulu (Famous Warrior)
  • Madde (Mighty in Battle)
  • Magda (Ntawm Magdala, Ib Tug Pojniam, Tus Cawm Seej los ntawm Yexus)
  • Magdalena (Saib Magda)
  • Magdalene (Saib Magdalena)
  • Mallory (Army Counselor)
  • Malorie (Army Counselor)
  • Malwine (Smooth-Brow)
  • Marelda (Great Warrior)
  • Mareike (Obstinacy, Rebelliousness lossis Rebellion)
  • Marlene (Drived los ntawm Marilyn)
  • Margarete (Pearl)
  • Margareta (Saib Margarete)
  • Margret (Daim ntawv ntawm Margaret)
  • Mariele (Saib Mareike)
  • Mariel (Form Of Mary)
  • Marthe (A Lady)
  • Marlis (Saib Mareike)
  • Marthe (Lady, Mistress)
  • Mathilda (Sib ntaus sib tua Maiden; Strong)
  • Maud (Muaj zog hauv kev sib ntaus sib tua)
  • Meike (Saib Mareike)
  • Meta (Pearl)
  • Mette (Great in Battle)
  • Milla (Kev lag luam)
  • Millicent (Industious)
  • Millie (Hard Worker)
  • Mina (Short of Wilhelmina)
  • Minna (Variant spelling of Mina)
  • Kuv (Saib Mina)
  • Minnie (Saib Mina)
  • Mirjam (Determination, Disobedience or Revolt)
  • Mitzi (Saib Mirjam)
  • Mundle (Almond)
  • Morgen (Morning)
  • Melusina (Wonder, Hiav txwv-Fog)
  • Mischa (Leej twg Zoo Li Vajtswv)
  • Nadja (Hope)
  • Nixie (Water Sprite/Fairy)
  • Nixe (Saib Nixie)
  • Norberta (Blond Hero)
  • Nordica (Los ntawm North)
  • Nobert (Blond Hero)
  • Noberta (Blond Hero)
  • Odelia (Variant Spelling of Odilia)
  • Odell (Little We althy One)
  • Odelia (Saib Odell)
  • Odilia (Saib Oda)
  • Odila (Variant Spelling of Odilia)
  • Olga (Holy)
  • Olinda (Protector of Property)
  • Orlantha (Los ntawm Av)
  • Ortrun (Point-Rune)
  • Ostara (German vajtswv poj niam, Caij nplooj ntoos hlav-lub sij hawm)
  • Otthild (Battle of Fortune)
  • Ottila (We althy)
  • Ottilia (Poj niam ntawm Otto, Saib Otto)
  • Ottoline (Short of Ottilia, Saib Ottilia)
  • Porsche (Pig)
  • Quirina (Feminine Form of Quirinus, Txhais "Hmoob")
  • Qiana (txhais tau tias "Zoo li Silk")
  • Quiana (Saib Qiana)
  • Quianna (Variant of Quiana)
  • Raina (Muaj zog)
  • Rebekka (Ensnarer)
  • Reinhilde (Kev Sib Ntaus Sib Tw)
  • Renate (Reborn)
  • Richelle (Brave One, Powerful Ruler)
  • Ricardo (Powerful Ruler)
  • Ricarda (Poj niam Ricardo)
  • Rike (Short of Friederike, Saib Friederike)
  • Roderica (Famous One)
  • Rolanda (Ntawm hauv Av)
  • Roland (Los ntawm Thaj Av Loj)
  • Rolanda (Saib Roland)
  • Rosemarie (Rose & Obstinate, Rebellious)
  • Romey (Rose & Obstinate, Rebellious)
  • Romy (Short of Rosemarie)
  • Rosamund (Lub vaj paj)
  • Ros (Ntsuab-Protection)
  • Rosalind (Ntsuab Rose)
  • Rosamund (Kev Tiv Thaiv Nees)
  • Rosamond (Variant Spelling of Rosamund)
  • Schmetterling (Butterfly)
  • Schwanhild (Swan Battle)
  • Selma (Divine Helmet)
  • Serilda (Armed Maiden)
  • Senta (Assistant)
  • Seraphina (Fiery Ones)
  • Senta (luv Kreszentia, Lub ntsiab lus loj hlob, vam meej)
  • Sibylle (Prophetess)
  • Sieghild (Kev yeej-Kev sib ntaus sib tua)
  • Sieglinde (Yeej-Gentle)
  • Sigi (Short of Sieglinde)
  • Sofia (Kev Txawj Ntse)
  • Sofi (Sweet)
  • Sommer (Summer)
  • Sonje (Kev txawj ntse)
  • Sonnenschein (Sunshine)
  • Susanne (Lily)
  • Suse (Pet Form of Susanne)
  • Susi (A Lily)
  • Svenja (Swan)
  • Swanhild (Swan Battle)
  • Swanhilda (Saib Swanhild)
  • Swanhilde (Variant Spelling of Swanhilda)
  • Tabea (German Pet Tabitha, Lub ntsiab lus poj niam Gazelle)
  • Teresia (Harvester)
  • Theresia (Saib Teresia)
  • Trudy (Form of Gertrude)
  • Udo (Me nyuam, kev vam meej, nyiaj txiag)
  • Uda (Saib Udo)
  • Uli (Nkauj Qhuas Vajtswv)
  • Ulli (Saib Uli)
  • Ula (Pearl)
  • Ulva (Hma)
  • Unna (Woman)
  • Ulrika (Txhua Txoj Cai, Wolf Ruler)
  • Ulrike (Saib Ulrika)
  • Uschi (Little She-Bear)
  • Urs (Txiv Dais)
  • Ursel (Saib Urs)
  • Ursula (Saib Uschi)
  • Ute (Poj niam ntawm Udo, Meaning Child)
  • Uta (Muaj hmoo Maiden of Battle)
  • Utta (Rich)
  • Vala (Singled Out)
  • Valda (Governess and Ruler)
  • Velma (Form of Vilhelmina)
  • Vreni (Saib Verena)
  • Walborg (Kev cawmdim ntawm kev tua neeg hauv kev sib ntaus sib tua)
  • Walburg (Saib Walborg)
  • Walburga (Saib Walborg)
  • Waldeburg (Saib Wallborg)
  • Walda (Saib Waldo)
  • Waldi (Saib Walda)
  • W altraud (Lub zog txawv teb chaws)
  • Waldtraud (Tus kav muaj zog)
  • Wanda (Wanderer)
  • Warren (Defender, Watchman)
  • Wibeke (War)
  • Wiebke (poj niam ntawm Wiebe, txhais ua tsov rog)
  • Wigburg (Kev Tiv Thaiv Tsov Rog)
  • Wilda (Wild)
  • Wilfreda (Txoj kev sib haum xeeb)
  • Wilhelmina (Feminine ntawm Wilhelm)
  • Wilhelmine (Saib Wilhelmina)
  • Wilma (ntawm Wilhelmina)
  • Winola (Tus phooj ywg siab zoo)
  • Xahria (Flower)
  • Xanthe (Daj lossis plaub hau ncaj)
  • Xanthia (Rare)
  • Xanthippe (Yellow Nees)
  • Xavia (Short Form of Xaviera, Meaning “Rare”)
  • Xaviera (Feminine Form of Xavier, “Rare”)
  • Xena (Popular Culture)
  • Xenia (Hospitality)
  • Xeno (Lub Suab txawv teb chaws)
  • Ximena
  • Xiu (Beautiful, Elegant)
  • Xiomar (Famous in Battle)
  • Xoana (Galician, Feminine Form of John)
  • Xochiquetzal (Paj Feather)
  • Xochitl (Paj)
  • Xuân (Lub Caij Nplooj Hlav)
  • Xue (Snow or Study, Learning)
  • Xun (Fast, Sudden)
  • Xylia (ntawm hav zoov)
  • Xandrah (Tus tiv thaiv ntawm noob neej)
  • Xandi (Saib Xandrah)
  • Yanka (ntse hauv zog)
  • Yseult (Poj niam kav dej khov)
  • Yvette (Poj Niam Hlais Ntoo)
  • Yvonne (Saib Yvette)
  • Zelda (Sib ntaus sib tua Maid)
  • Zelinda (Shield of Victory)
  • Zella (Petit Form of Marcella)
  • Zelma (Noble)

Boy/Male German Dog Names:


Qee lub npe dev zoo tshaj plaws hauv ntiaj teb los ntawm lub teb chaws Yelemees, thiab qhov no zoo li muaj tseeb tshwj xeeb yog tias koj muaj ib tug txiv neej dev. Xaiv los ntawm cov kev xaiv zoo xws li Gerald, Hansel, thiab Klaus-thiab tsis txhob hnov qab cov keeb kwm nto moo zoo li Mozart thiab Goethe!

  • Ferdinand (Adventurous, Courageous)
  • Franz (Form of Francis)
  • Frederick (Peaceful Ruler)
  • Ferguson (Noble, Strong)
  • Felix (muaj hmoo)
  • Fremont (Tus Saib Xyuas Kev ywj pheej)
  • Friedhold (Peaceful Ruler)
  • Ntsuag ntses (Ntsuab)
  • Fritz (Peaceful Ruler)
  • Gary (Mighty Spearman)
  • Garin (Warrior)
  • Geert (Brave and Strong)
  • Gerald (Spear King)
  • Gerard (Brave)
  • Guthrie (War Hero)
  • Gaston (Kev zoo nkauj thiab Beast Character)
  • Goethe (German Poet)
  • Hank (Tus kav vaj tsev)
  • Hans Variation of Johannes
  • Harbin (Little Shining Fighter)
  • Hardy (Tus neeg taug txuj kev nyuaj)
  • Hartmann (Zoo li ib tug mos lwj)
  • Hartwin (Brave Friend)
  • Harvey (Warrior of the Army)
  • Henry (Tus kav tsev neeg)
  • Tshuaj ntsuab (Glorious Soldier)
  • Herbert (Glorious Soldier)
  • Herman (Soldier)
  • Haan (German City)
  • Hank
  • Hansel (Fairy Tale Character)
  • Heinrich (tus kav)
  • Helmar (Ntawm tus tiv thaiv)
  • Hertz (Kwv Txhiaj)
  • Henri (Tus kav tsev)
  • Imre (Tus Vaj Ntxwv Zoo)
  • Jäeger (Hunter)
  • Jarman (German)
  • Jackson (Jack's Tub)
  • Jacques (Supplanter)
  • Jam (Raws Tes)
  • Jarvis (Kev txawj ntse nrog rab hmuv)
  • Johan (Form of John)
  • Johannes
  • Juniper
  • Kant (German Philosopher)
  • Karl (Free Man)
  • Kaspar (Variation of Jasper)
  • Keifer (Barrel Maker)
  • Kiel (German City)
  • Klaus (German Version of Nicholas)
  • Kleve (German City)
  • Kodiak (Island)
  • Max (Short Version of Maximus)
  • Milo (Form of Miles)
  • Mozart (German Composer)
  • Munich (Capital City of Bavaria)
  • Rolf
  • Rudy
  • Rudolf
  • Ulbrecht (Form of Albert)
  • Vilhelm (Form of William)
  • Yuav
  • Wolfe
  • Xanten (Lub nroog German)
  • Yohann (Form of Johann)

Poj niam German Dog Names and Meanings:


Classic German npe dev yog qhov zoo, tab sis yog tias koj xav tau lub npe nrog lub ntsiab lus tiag tiag, koj yuav xav tshawb xyuas cov npe no. Cov npe German zoo tshaj plaws rau cov poj niam dev muaj xws li cov npe tawv xws li Britta (lub zog) thiab Wilma (tiv thaiv) rau cov npe sweeter xws li Vera (qhov tseeb) thiab Begonia (paj). Tsis muaj teeb meem dab tsi koj tab tom nrhiav, cov npe menyuam dev German muaj txiaj ntsig muaj ntau heev! Nov yog peb cov ntxhais nyiam German npe rau dev nrog lub ntsiab lus:

  • Adolfina (Noble Hma)
  • Adolfina (Noble Hero)
  • Agneta (Ntshiab)
  • Alberta (Noble thiab Bright)
  • Alice (Qhov tseeb)
  • Alison (Nyob Noble Birth)
  • Amara (Steadfast, Hlub)
  • Anna (Zoo siab)
  • Arabelle (Zoo nkauj Eagle)
  • Arnelle (As Strong as an Eagle)
  • Beatrix (Traveler, Voyager)
  • Begonia (Paj)
  • Bela (White)
  • Bianka (Dawb)
  • Birget (Kev Tiv Thaiv)
  • Bernadette (Bold as a Dais)
  • Bernadine (Brave as a Xyooj)
  • Berta (Intelligent; Glorious)
  • Brit (Zaj. Glorious)
  • Bernadette (Bold as a Dais)
  • Brenda (Ntaj Hniav)
  • Britta (Lub zog)
  • Brummer (Sword Blade)
  • Clay (Mustal)
  • Carlchen (Sword Blade)
  • Caroline (Hlub)
  • Cäsar (Sword Blade)
  • Callan (Chatter)
  • Carla (Farmer)
  • Carleigh (Freeholder)
  • Carol (Farmer)
  • Emma (Ib Sim Neej)
  • Emera (Tus Thawj Coj)
  • Erika (Ever Powerful)
  • Ernestine (Earnest)
  • Faiga (Ib tug noog)
  • Felda (ntawm Fields)
  • Fräulein (Niam)
  • Frauke (Tus Poj Niam)
  • Kurigunde (Brave)
  • Kasimira (Commands Peace)
  • Katarina (Ntshiab)
  • Nyx (Sprite)
  • Oda (We althy)
  • Pepin (Perseverance)
  • Philomena (Tus phooj ywg ntawm lub zog)
  • Roswitha (Ntaus Lub Zog)
  • Ruperta (Poj niam ntawm Rupert, Lub ntsiab lus Bright Fame)
  • Sabine (German Form of Sabina)
  • Salida (Happiness, Joy)
  • Sara (Noble Lady, Biblical Meaning “Pib Abraham)
  • Sascha (Tus Tiv Thaiv Tib Neeg)
  • Schatzie (Nyob Zoo)
  • Schatzi (Little Treasure, Darling)
  • Tilli (Kev sib ntaus sib tua Maiden)
  • Trudi (ntawm Hmuv)
  • Vera (Kev Ntseeg, Qhov Tseeb)
  • Verena (Txhob Ntshai, Kom hwm)
  • Viktoria (Conqueror los yog "yeej)
  • Viveka (Tus Poj Niam)
  • Winifred (tus phooj ywg sib haum xeeb)
  • Winola (Tus phooj ywg ntxim nyiam)
  • Wilma (Bold Protector)
  • Wilmet (Poj niam tiv thaiv)
  • Zenzi (Rau Caij Nplooj Ntoos Zeeg, Loj hlob, vam meej)
  • Zuker (qab zib)

Txiv neej German dev npe thiab lub ntsiab lus:


Puas yog koj tus dev xav tau lub npe tseem ceeb? Ntawm no yog peb nyiam German txiv neej lub npe dev nrog lub ntsiab lus, los ntawm cov paub zoo tshaj plaws mus rau ntau qhov kev xaiv tsis meej.

  • Griswold (Grey Forest)
  • Günther (Warrior)
  • Hahn (Rooster)
  • Harvey (Army Warrior)
  • Heller (Lub Hnub)
  • Helmut (Courageous)
  • Helmuth (Protector)
  • Hackett (Tub Cutter)
  • Hamlin (Ib Leeg Hlub Nws Tsev)
  • Keene (Bold; Ntse)
  • Kellen (Swamp)
  • Kurt (Cia siab)
  • Kaiser (Emperor)
  • Kasper (Tsev Nyiaj Txiag)
  • Kant (Brilliant, Hlub)
  • Luger (Old German Phom)
  • Mandel (Almond)
  • Manfred (Tus txiv neej ntawm kev sib haum xeeb)
  • Martin (los ntawm Mars)
  • Manfred (Tus txiv neej ntawm kev sib haum xeeb)
  • Mayer (Txoj kev kaj)
  • Medwin (Tus phooj ywg muaj zog)
  • Maiv (Kev Hlub)
  • Norbert (Hero)
  • Odo (We althy)
  • Odell (Little We althy)
  • Otis (Tub Otto)
  • Oskar (Hmoob)
  • Otter (German City)
  • Otto (Kev vam meej)
  • Ozzy (Divine Spear)
  • Panzer (WW-II German tank)
  • Penrod (Commander)
  • Raymond (Protector)
  • Panzer (Armor)
  • Prinz (Prince)
  • Quincy (Fifth)
  • Richard (Brave One)
  • Ritter (Knight)
  • Roderick (Famous Ruler)
  • Roger (Famous Spearman)
  • Roth (Red Haired)
  • Rowland (Famous in the Land)
  • Rudolf (Famous Hma)
  • Rico (Lub Zog Muaj Zog)
  • Rin Tin Tin (Npe of a Famous German Shepherd)
  • Rolf (Famous Hma)
  • Rolly (Lub teb chaws nto moo)
  • Rom (Hlub)
  • Rudi (Famous Hma)
  • Stein (Stone)
  • Strom (Stream)
  • Schatzi (Cov khoom muaj nqis me me)
  • Schwartz (Black)
  • Terrell (Thunder Ruler)
  • Theobold (Boldest)
  • Saxon (Ntxhais Hniav)
  • Schnapps (Muaj cawv muaj zog)
  • Sigmond (Protector)
  • Tillie (Powerful Battler)
  • Ugo (Lub siab, lub plawv, Ntsuj Plig)
  • Udo (Rich, Prosperous)
  • Ulrik (Power of the Hma)
  • Ulrich (Wolf Ruler)
  • Varick (Tswv Vaj)
  • Verner (Cov Tub Rog Tiv Thaiv)
  • W alter (Powerful Warrior)
  • Wendell (Wanderer)
  • Wilfred (Determined Peacemaker)
  • Wolfgang (Traveling Hma)
  • Waldo (Tus kav)
  • Walker (Tus neeg ua haujlwm)
  • W alter (Tus kav tub rog)
  • Werner (Cov Tub Rog Tiv Thaiv)
  • Zelig (Blessed One)
  • Zach (Subborn)
  • Zellmer (Tus kav nroog)

Wrapping Up of German Dog Names

Koj puas pom lub npe dev German uas haum rau koj tus phooj ywg furry? Txawm hais tias koj tab tom nrhiav German npe rau poj niam dev lossis German txiv neej dev npe, koj tuaj yeem pom qee yam ntawm peb cov npe uas nws kim heev. Nrog ntau dua 500 lub npe xaiv los ntawm, koj qhov teeb meem nkaus xwb yuav ua rau nws qis! Mus rau lub npe muaj txiaj ntsig zoo li Wolfgang (hma mus ncig) lossis Schatzi (cov khoom muaj nqis me me), lossis xaiv lub npe German classic xws li Mathilda lossis Hans. Koj tus menyuam dev yuav ua tsaug rau koj siv sijhawm los nrhiav lub npe zoo meej!

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  • 350+ Ntxim hlub dev lub npe: Zoo tshaj me me, Squishy & Adorable tswv yim

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