Ramshorn Snails Online Shopping Guide: Xiav, Brown, Pink & More

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Ramshorn Snails Online Shopping Guide: Xiav, Brown, Pink & More
Ramshorn Snails Online Shopping Guide: Xiav, Brown, Pink & More

Yog hais tias koj tsis yog ib tug ntawm cov neeg uas muaj hmoo rau ib tug ramshorn qwj hitchhiking rau hauv koj lub tank ntawm tej nroj tsuag, tej zaum koj yuav xav tsis thoob qhov twg koj yuav tau txais ib tug. Qhov xwm zoo yog tias muaj ntau qhov kev pabcuam hauv online rau kev yuav ramshorn snails ntawm tag nrho cov xim thiab cov qauv. Peb tau muab tso ua ke kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm qee tus neeg muag khoom hauv online zoo tshaj plaws rau kev yuav khoom noj qab haus huv ramshorn snails.

Yog tias koj tsis paub txog ramshorn snails, cov kauv-plhaub cov qwj no raug suav hais tias yog kab tsuag los ntawm qee tus txij li lawv yug me nyuam asexually. Txawm li cas los xij, ntau tus neeg pom tias ramshorns yog qhov zoo ntxiv rau lawv lub tank ecosystem. Lawv pab ua kom lub tank huv si thiab, raws li ib qho ntxiv, yog qhov ntxim nyiam.

8 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Ramshorn Snails: Xiav, Brown, Pink & Ntau

1. Kazen Aquatic Mix Xim Ramshorn Snails - Zoo Tshaj Tag Nrho

Number of snails per order: 10+
Muaj xim: Red, liab, xiav, xim av, dub, lwm yam xim ua tau
Speci alty patterns: Leopard
Price range: $

Kazen Aquatic Mix Xim Ramshorn Snails yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws xaiv tag nrho rau kev yuav ramshorn snails online. Cov pob no ntawm cov qwj muaj xws li 10 lossis ntau dua snails ntawm ntau yam xim. Koj tsis tuaj yeem kho cov xim lossis cov qauv uas koj tau txais hauv koj qhov kev txiav txim. Cov qwj no yog kwv yees li 1/8th ntawm ib nti thaum lub sijhawm xa khoom, thiab lawv yuav ncav cuag 1-nti ntawm qhov loj me. Qee cov neeg yuav khoom tau tshaj tawm cov qwj no tag nrho cov xim daj lossis xim daj daj thaum tuaj txog tab sis ib zaug acclimated rau lawv lub tank, lawv cov xim tseeb pib qhia, yog li tsis txhob poob siab yog tias koj xav tias koj tau txais ib qho kev txiav txim ntawm tag nrho cov qwj xim av. Kazen Aquatic nkoj cov kwj no nrog cov qauv ntawm calcium ntxiv los txhawb lub plhaub kev noj qab haus huv.


  • 10+ snails per order
  • Ntau xim muaj
  • Feem ntau tsim cov xim ci dua ib zaug acclimated
  • Tsuas ncav cuag 1-nti ntawm qhov siab tshaj plaws
  • Kev txiav txim suav nrog cov qauv ntawm calcium ntxiv


  • Tsis tau customize xim
  • Tau tuaj txog xim av lossis xim daj

2. Cov Nqis Dej Hauv Dej Ramshorn Snails - Tus Nqi Zoo Tshaj

Number of snails per order: 10+ to 100+
Muaj xim: Any
Speci alty patterns: Any
Price range: $

Qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws rau kev yuav cov ramshorn snails online rau cov nyiaj yog Cov Nqis Dej Dej Ramshorn Snails. Tus neeg muag khoom no muab pob khoom ntawm 10+ qwj mus txog 100+ qwj. Koj tsis tuaj yeem kho cov xim lossis cov qauv uas koj tau txais, thiab koj tuaj yeem tau txais cov xim sib xyaw ua ke. Cov qwj no raug xa tawm ntawm 1/6thnti mus txog 1/3rd nti. Ramshorn snails los ntawm Aquatic Discounts yuav dhau ib nti loj, yog li lawv tuaj yeem tau txais loj rau ramshorn snails. Lawv raug xa mus "ntub" rau hauv ib lub hnab dej, yog li lawv feem ntau acclimate sai thiab ua kom nquag plias tom qab acclimation.


  • Tus nqi zoo tshaj
  • 10+ mus rau 100+ snails per order
  • Ntau xim muaj
  • Ntau tshaj 1-nti thaum loj hlob
  • Feem ntau acclimate sai


  • Tsis tau customize xim
  • Tej zaum yuav me me thaum lub sijhawm xa khoom

3. Polar Bear's Pet Shop 9+ Nyob Ramshorn Snails - Hwm Xaiv

Number of snails per order: 9+
Muaj xim: Red
Speci alty patterns: Tsis muaj
Price range: $$$

Qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws rau kev yuav ramshorn snails online yog Polar Bear's Pet Shop 9+ Live Ramshorn Snails pack. Cov snails pob no muaj tsawg kawg yog cuaj liab ramshorns uas nyob nruab nrab ntawm 1/6th mus rau ½-inch loj thaum lub sijhawm xa khoom. Polar Bear's Pet Shop ships me nyuam yaus ramshorn snails vim tias lawv nyiam ua kom nrawm dua thiab zam kev xa khoom zoo dua li cov neeg laus ramshorns. Qee tus neeg yuav khoom qhia tau txais cov qwj xiav lossis xim av, yog li koj yuav tsis tau txais tag nrho cov qwj liab. Tus neeg muag khoom no muaj kev xaiv xa khoom dawb, uas tuaj yeem pab cuam tshuam qee tus nqi ntawm cov qwj, tab sis kev xa khoom sai rau tus nqi ntxiv yog pom zoo kom tau txais cov qwj noj qab nyob zoo.


  • 9+ snails per order
  • Ntau xim muaj
  • Shipped raws li juveniles rau qhov zoo tshaj plaws ciaj sia taus thiab acclimation
  • Free shipping available
  • Tej zaum mus txog ½-nti ntawm qhov loj ntawm shipping


  • Premium price
  • Tsi tsis yog liab

4. One Stop Aquatics Nyob Dej Ntshiab Ramshorn Snails

Number of snails per order: 6
Muaj xim: Any
Speci alty patterns: Any
Price range: $

The One Stop Aquatics Live Freshwater Ramshorn Snails yog 6-pob ntawm ramshorn snails ntawm ntau yam xim. Koj tsis tuaj yeem kho qhov kev txiav txim rau cov xim tshwj xeeb. Cov snails no raug xa mus ntub thiab ruaj ntseg hauv lawv lub hnab. Lawv nyiam ua haujlwm thaum tuaj txog thiab feem ntau tsawg dua ½-nti thaum lub sijhawm xa khoom. One Stop Aquatics muaj DOA tus nqi qis, yog li feem ntau cov qwj feem ntau muaj sia nyob shipping thiab vam meej sai tom qab acclimation. Lawv feem ntau tsis xa cov qwj ntxiv, yog li hu rau tus neeg muag khoom yog tias muaj teeb meem nrog koj cov qwj thaum tuaj txog.


  • 6 snails per order
  • Ntau xim muaj
  • Ua kom muaj zog sai sai tom qab kev ua haujlwm zoo
  • Low DOA rate


  • Tsis tau customize xim
  • Txhua zaus tsis xa cov qwj ntxiv nrog xaj

5. Aquatic Arts Live Blue Ramshorn Snails

Number of snails per order: 1,3,5,10,20,30
Muaj xim: Blue
Speci alty patterns: Tsis muaj
Price range: $

Aquatic Arts Live Blue Ramshorn Snails muaj nyob rau hauv pob ntawv me me li ib tus qwj mus txog 30 snails hauv kev txiav txim. Cov snails no yog xiav thiab tsis feem ntau muaj cov qauv tshwj xeeb. Koj tsis tuaj yeem kho lwm cov xim hauv qhov kev txiav txim no. Lawv feem ntau raug xa tawm ntawm ½ mus rau 1-nti thiab tuaj yeem ncav cuag 2 ntiv tes thaum loj hlob tuaj. Aquatic Arts ships cov qwj qhuav, uas txhais tau hais tias lawv tau qhwv hauv cov ntaub so ntswg. Tej zaum lawv yuav siv sij hawm ntev dua los ua kom muaj zog dua li cov qwj ntub dej, tab sis cov qwj no tseem yuav tsum ua kom nquag plias tom qab tau txais lawv. Feem ntau muaj ob lossis ntau dua cov qwj xa mus rau ib qho kev txiav txim.


  • Ntau pob qhov ntau thiab tsawg muaj
  • Muaj txog 2 nti thaum loj hlob
  • Seller feem ntau suav nrog cov qwj ntxiv


Tsis tau customize xim

6. Ib nrab Nqe Joe 20+ Ramshorn Snails

Number of snails per order: 20+
Muaj xim: Any
Speci alty patterns: Any
Price range: $$

Ib Nrab Nqe Joe 20+ Ramshorn Snails tuaj yeem yog xim lossis qauv thiab koj tsis tuaj yeem kho cov xim hauv koj qhov kev txiav txim. Yog tias koj yuav 40 snails los ntawm Ib Nrab Nqe Joe, lawv yuav xa koj tsawg kawg 10 qwj ntxiv. Cov qwj no raug xa mus ntub dej thiab cov dej uas lawv xa tuaj tuaj yeem qias neeg thaum tuaj txog, yog li koj yuav tsum xyuas kom koj tsis txhob muab lawv cov dej xa tuaj rau hauv koj lub tank. Lawv raug xa tawm ntawm 1/8th thiab ¼ ntawm ib nti. Cov qwj no feem ntau raug xa mus ua khoom noj, yog li lawv cov plhaub yuav tsis noj qab nyob zoo thaum tuaj txog. Koj yuav tsum xyuas kom lawv tau txais calcium txaus hauv lawv cov zaub mov kom pab lawv lub plhaub noj qab nyob zoo.


  • 20+ snails per order
  • 10 ntxiv snails nrog txhua 40 koj yuav
  • Ntau xim muaj


  • Tsis tau customize xim
  • Cov plhaub yuav tsis noj qab nyob zoo thaum tuaj txog
  • Shipping dej tej zaum yuav qias neeg

7. Ntiaj teb Tropicals Bright Red Ramshorn Snails

Number of snails per order: 5
Muaj xim: Red
Speci alty patterns: Tsis muaj
Price range: $$

Tshuaj ntsuab thoob ntiaj teb Bright Red Ramshorn Snails tuaj nyob rau hauv ib pob ntawm tsib snails uas tag nrho cov ntxoov liab zoo nkauj. Tus neeg muag khoom no tsuas yog nkoj hnub Monday-Thursday ntawm USPS ceev shipping kom ntseeg tau tias cov qwj tsis siv lub asthiv hauv lub tsev khaws khoom xa khoom. Lawv tau ntim ruaj ntseg thiab xa khoom qhuav hauv lub khob qhwv nrog npuas qhwv. Thoob ntiaj teb Tropicals feem ntau xa rau snails nyob rau hauv qhov kev txiav txim no, yog li koj yuav tau txais ib tug qwj ntxiv. Lawv feem ntau yog 1/8 txog 1/2-nti thaum lub sijhawm xa khoom tab sis tuaj yeem ncav cuag ib nti. Cov qwj no tuaj yeem tuaj nrog cov plhaub puas los ntawm qhov tsis muaj calcium, yog li lawv yuav xav tau calcium ntxiv thaum tuaj txog.


  • 5 snails per order
  • Seller feem ntau suav nrog cov qwj ntxiv
  • Shipped USPS expedited thiab ntim ruaj ntseg


  • Tau me me kom loj hlob thaum lub sijhawm xa khoom
  • Tsis tau customize xim
  • Kuv tuaj txog nrog cov plhaub puas lawm

8. Buyin and a Sellin Ramshorn 6+ Red Snails

Number of snails per order: 6+
Muaj xim: Red
Speci alty patterns: Tsis muaj
Price range: $

The Buyin and a Sellin Ramshorn 6+ Red Snails pack of snails will come with a minimum of six snails that can be any shade of red. Koj tsis tuaj yeem xaiv lossis kho cov xim nrog qhov kev txiav txim no, tab sis nws tsis yooj yim kom tau txais cov xim uas tsis yog liab los ntawm tus neeg muag khoom no. Lawv raug xa mus qhuav thiab feem ntau yog ¼-nti lossis me dua thaum lub sijhawm xa khoom. Buyin thiab Sellin feem ntau tsis xa cov lus qhia txog kev saib xyuas lossis kev txhawb nqa nrog cov qwj no, yog li koj yuav tau tiv tauj lawv ncaj qha lossis nyeem txog kev saib xyuas thiab kev txhawb nqa online.


  • 6+ snails per order
  • Seller feem ntau suav nrog cov qwj ntxiv


  • Tsis tau customize xim
  • Yuav ua tau ib qho ntxoov ntxoo liab
  • No care or acclimation instruction are include

Tus Neeg Yuav Qhia: Xaiv Qhov Zoo Tshaj Ramshorn Snail

Yuav Ua Li Cas Xaiv Tus Muag Khoom Online ntawm Ramshorn Snails

Xaiv tus neeg muag khoom zoo thaum yuav koj cov ramshorn qwj hauv online yog qhov tseem ceeb kom ntseeg tau tias koj tau txais cov qwj noj qab haus huv. Cov neeg muag khoom ntseeg siab yuav muab DOA lav, uas feem ntau suav nrog lawv los hloov cov tsiaj tuag lossis muab nyiaj rov qab yog tias lawv tau ceeb toom sai tom qab tuaj txog. Koj xav nrhiav tus neeg muag khoom ncaj ncees uas saib xyuas lawv cov qwj, uas tuaj yeem nyuaj vim tias ramshorns feem ntau raug tsa los ua zaub mov rau cov ntses loj, tsiaj reptiles, thiab amphibians. Yog tias koj tab tom yuav khoom thaum kub kub, tham nrog tus neeg muag khoom hais txog nrog rau cov khoom kub lossis txias nrog koj daim ntawv xaj los tiv thaiv cov qwj.

Ramshorn Snail Care


Ramshorn snails yog lub npe hu ua cov tshuaj ntxuav tank zoo. Lawv yuav noj algae, nrog rau cov hwj txwv dub algae, thiab cov nroj tsuag tuag lossis tuag, cov tsiaj tuag hauv lub tank, thiab cov zaub mov seem. Txawm li cas los xij, nws tseem ceeb heev uas koj muab lawv cov khoom noj muaj txiaj ntsig. Yog tias koj tso lawv kom muaj sia nyob ntawm tsis muaj dab tsi tab sis algae hauv lub tank, ces lawv yuav tig rau koj cov nroj tsuag noj qab haus huv thiab pib noj lawv. Tsis pub noj zaub mov txaus tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev noj zaub mov tsis zoo thiab kev tshaib plab.


Zoo li tag nrho cov qwj, ramshorns xav tau calcium ntxiv rau lub plhaub noj qab haus huv. Qhov no tuaj yeem ua tiav los ntawm kev ntxiv cov pob txha los yog cov qe crushed rau hauv lub tank, tab sis koj yuav tsum tau ntxiv cov calcium ntxiv hauv cov khoom noj. Cov khoom noj tshwj xeeb ntawm Qws tuaj yeem pab koj kom koj cov ramshorn snails tau txais calcium txaus.



Cov kwj no tawv thiab tsis xaiv txog lawv lub tank ib puag ncig. Lawv nyiam qhov nruab nrab pH thiab sov sov, tab sis lawv tuaj yeem muaj sia nyob thiab tseem muaj sia nyob sab nraud ntawm lawv qhov kev nyiam. Muab cov pob zeb cua lossis lim dej yuav pab ua kom lawv txoj kev noj qab haus huv, thiab ntxiv cov nroj tsuag nyob rau hauv lub tank tuaj yeem tsim kev nplua nuj thiab ib qho khoom noj ntxiv.

Population Control

Ramshorn snails reproduces sai heev thiab tuaj yeem ua li ntawd asexually. Lawv paub txog kev tawm hauv lawv cov qe qe clutches thoob plaws qhov chaw hauv thoob dej yug ntses. Ua kom lawv cov pej xeem nyob rau theem noj qab haus huv tuaj yeem ua nyuaj raws li lub sijhawm mus ntxiv. Nws yog ib lub tswv yim zoo kom muaj cov phiaj xwm thaub qab ntawm koj yuav ua li cas nrog cov qwj ntxiv, txawm tias nws muag lawv rau lub khw muag ntses hauv zos, muab rau cov phooj ywg, lossis pub rau koj cov ntses. Lub tank uas muaj neeg coob dhau tuaj yeem dhau los ua qhov chaw tsis zoo.

Txoj Kev Xav

Yog tias koj xav tau qhov chaw zoo tshaj plaws los yuav ramshorn snails online, ces mus saib Kazen Aquatics. Lawv pob khoom ntawm cov qwj ntau xim tuaj txog sai thiab muaj cov qwj noj qab haus huv. Yog tias koj nyob ntawm cov peev nyiaj nruj, ces Cov Nqis Dej Dej muab qhov kev xaiv zoo rau kev yuav ntau cov qwj, txawm tias koj xav tau ntau tshaj 100 qwj. Rau tus neeg muag khoom hwm, koj yuav txaus siab rau qhov zoo ntawm cov qwj los ntawm Polar Bear's Pet Shop. Siv cov kev tshuaj xyuas no ua cov hauv paus ntsiab lus los pab coj koj mus nrhiav tus neeg muag khoom zoo meej rau koj cov kev xav tau. Txawm hais tias koj xav tau ib tug qwj lossis 100, muaj ib tus neeg muag khoom hauv online los ua kom tiav koj cov kev xav tau.

Pom zoo: