Qhov txawv ntawm Dachshund, Dotson, thiab Doxin yog dab tsi?

Cov txheej txheem:

Qhov txawv ntawm Dachshund, Dotson, thiab Doxin yog dab tsi?
Qhov txawv ntawm Dachshund, Dotson, thiab Doxin yog dab tsi?

Muaj ntau hom dev uas muaj ob peb lub npe los piav txog lawv. Muaj ntau lub npe menyuam yaus, qhov tseeb, nws tuaj yeem nkag siab me ntsis thaum koj sim xyuas seb hom tsiaj twg yog dab tsi.

Dachshund yug yog ib tug ntawm cov dev. Los yog nws yog Dotson lossis Doxin? Puas yog tib tug dev? Cov lus teb yog yog. A Dachshund, Dotson, thiab Doxin yog tib hom tsiaj. Ntseeg nws los tsis yog, cov no tsis yog peb lub npe menyuam yaus tus dev me me no muaj.

Dachshund yog ib tug bubbly, adorable, ntxim hlub-as-a-khawm yug uas ua rau ib tug zoo heev tus khub. Txawm li cas los xij, nws tau tsis meej pem nrog ntau lub npe Dachshund yug tau nqa ncig.

Peb yuav tham txog keeb kwm yug me nyuam, muaj pes tsawg lub npe menyuam yaus, thiab ntau ntxiv hauv qab no, yog li koj yuav ploj mus me ntsis tsis meej pem dua li thaum koj tuaj txog ntawm no.

Dab tsi yog keeb kwm ntawm Dachshund, Dotson, thiab Doxin Breed?

Ntseeg nws los tsis, Dachshunds tau bred mus yos hav zoov badgers nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees. Tom qab ntawd, lawv raug cob qhia kom tshem cov neeg phem tawm ntawm lawv lub tsev lossis chaw nyob. Nws tau xav tias Dachshund tau tsim thawj zaug hauv 15thxyoo pua, tab sis tsis muaj pov thawj tseeb. Thawj qhov kev txheeb xyuas cov dev hauv lub tebchaws Yelemes tshwm sim hauv 17thcenturies.


Puas yog Dachshund Breed Evolved?

Txhua tus dev yug los nyob rau lub sijhawm, thiab hom tsiaj no tsis muaj qhov tshwj xeeb. Thaum koj tseem tuaj yeem pom ob peb lub ntsiab lus ntawm lawv cov keeb kwm yos hav zoov, Dachshunds me dua li lawv nyob hauv 17thcentury. Txawm li cas los xij, cov tsiaj no tseem lom zem, zoo nkauj, muaj zog, hlub, thiab tso tseg, ib yam li lawv cov poj koob yawm txwv ua ntej lawv.

Puas yog koj Dachshund Crossbreed?

Yog, Dachshunds yog ib tug neeg sib tw. Lawv tau bred los ntawm kev yug me nyuam dwarf noob rau hauv ib tug loj tua dev, thiab koj tus me wiener aub yog qhov tshwm sim. Nws tau xav tias kev yug me nyuam yog xaiv thiab tej zaum yuav suav nrog Hanover Hounds, Terriers, Pincers, Bloodhounds, thiab txawm tias German Bibarhund. Qhov no, txawm li cas los xij, tsis paub tias yog qhov tseeb; nws tsuas yog kev xav xwb.


Puas muaj pes tsawg lub npe hu ua Dachshund Dog Breed?

Ntawm no yog qee lub npe menyuam yaus tshaj plaws rau Dachshund:

  • Hot Dog
  • Wiener Dog
  • Doxin
  • Dotson
  • Dachel
  • Dexel
  • Doxy
  • Doxie
  • Daxen
  • Doxen
  • Techel
  • Doxhund
  • Sausage Dog
  • Weiner Dog (Spelled with "ei" es tsis "ie")

Doxin lossis Dotson yog dab tsi?

A Doxin thiab Dotson yog tib yam nkaus li Dachshund, tsuas yog hu los ntawm lub npe txawv. Nws tau xav tias qhov kev hloov npe no tau tshwm sim vim ntau tus tswv tsiaj tsis tuaj yeem hais Dachshund txoj kev yog, thiab Doxin lossis Dotson tau yooj yim tshaj tawm.


Ib co lus lom zem txog koj tus me Weiner aub

Tam sim no koj paub ntau lub npe menyuam yaus rau tus dev no, peb yuav muab ob peb qhov tseeb rau koj uas tej zaum koj yuav tsis tau paub.

1. Dachshunds tuaj ntau xim

Dachshund dev yug los ntawm ntau yam xim. Cov xim no suav nrog cov hauv qab no:

  • Fawn and Tan
  • Chocolate
  • Fawn
  • Red
  • Wheaten
  • Zoo boar
  • Blue and Cream
  • Blue and Tan
  • Black and Cream
  • Dub thiab Tan
  • Cream
  • Chocolate and Cream
  • Chocolate and Tan
  • Fawn and Cream
  • Thiab ntau

2. Hot Dogs Named After this Dog

Koj xav tias Dachshund tau txais nws lub npe los ntawm cov zaub mov, tab sis qhov tseeb, cov zaub mov tau txais nws lub npe los ntawm tus dev wiener. Nws tau xav tias txij li thaum cov menyuam dev no nyiam nrog cov neeg tua tsiaj German, lawv thawj zaug muag cov dev kub hauv tus dev lub cev thiab hu lawv Dachshund hnyuv ntxwm. Twb tsis txog tom qab ces lub npe twb hloov mus ua tus kub dev xwb.

3. Dachshunds yog ib tug nyiam ntawm Celebrities

Tsis tsuas yog lawv nyiam nrog cov tswv tsiaj nruab nrab xwb, tab sis lawv kuj nyiam los ntawm ntau tus neeg ua yeeb yam. Lawv kuj nrov nrog cov kws kos duab thiab cov kws sau ntawv thiab xaus rau hauv ntau cov duab kos duab thiab phau ntawv. Qee tus neeg ua yeeb yam uas muaj Dachshunds suav nrog:

  • David Bowie
  • Clint Eastwood
  • Jack Black
  • Adele
  • Kirsten Dunst
  • Fergie
  • Andy Warhol
  • Leonard Nimoy

Txoj Kev Xav

Tam sim no koj paub tias tsis muaj qhov sib txawv ntawm Dachshund, Dotson, thiab Doxin, koj tuaj yeem tawm mus thiab txais yuav ib qho ntawm cov tsiaj ntxim hlub no. Txawm tias muaj pes tsawg lub npe menyuam yaus lossis xim tus dev me no los, qhov tseeb tseem yog qhov txaus siab rau tus tswv thiab muaj kev lom zem nyob ib puag ncig. Thaum koj tau txiav txim siab muab tus dev wiener no ib lub tsev mus ib txhis, koj tuaj yeem txiav txim siab lub npe menyuam yaus los muab koj tus tsiaj.

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